
Displaying items by tag: Europe

51 Nations gathering – For Prayer, For Unity, For a Continent.

United Prayer Rising - Europe is a prayer and worship gathering happening this summer at Ashburnham Place in Sussex, UK bringing together people from all over Europe to contend for an awakening amongst the next generation. We believe God is raising up an army of passionate worshippers who will pray together to see their continent saved. This is God’s time for Europe!

UPRising Europe is part of the global UPRising movement birthed out of the World Prayer Assembly in 2012 in Indonesia. The first UPRising event was held in Seoul, South Korea in July 2016.  Since then, there have been UPRising events in the Philippines, South Africa, Mongolia, Bolivia, Malaysia, Canada, Chile and Jakarta, Indonesia.

We are excited to now host an Uprising event for the continent of Europe. This is such a critical time for the continent – much is being shaken whilst God is stirring the hearts of young people for radical prayer and mission.

The backbone of UPRising Europe will be 72 hours of non-stop worship and prayer led by worship teams from all over Europe. These are the grassroots, passionate worship and prayer leaders who are faithful to where God has placed them and willing to contend for Europe.

Out of this will flow prayer and intercession for Europe, with inspiration from speakers in our main sessions. We will be hosting practical seminars equipping young people in a lifestyle of prayer, fasting and evangelism. Finally we will be commissioning people to take this fire back to their nations.

Uprising Europe will be from the 8th to 11th July 2019 at Ashburnham Place, Battle, East Sussex. We want to invite anyone with a heart for Europe and the next generation to come and join us. Ashburnham Place, a retreat and conference centre, is set in beautiful grounds with lakes and woodlands. You can come and camp, or stay in the main house. 

JJ Waters, Director of UPRising Europe said, “Following God’s lead, we are incredibly excited to gather together people from every nation in Europe to contend for an awakening amongst the next generation. This is such a critical time for Europe – God is moving powerfully but we know there is so much more to come. He is stirring the hearts of young people for radical prayer and missions, in what is now one of the most unreached continents on earth. Now is the time to come together from different nations, across denominations, honouring fathers and mothers, and to worship and pray for a mighty move of God in Europe.”

The ticket price for this event is generously subsided to make it affordable for delegates from across the continent.  The UPRising Europe team would welcome offers of sponsorship from Churches, organisations and individuals who would like to sow into this event, for Europe.

Further details about the event, tickets, pricing or sponsorship can be found on our website or please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Uprising Europe is working with partners including YWAM, Burn 24-7, the World Prayer Centre, Ashburnham Place, Elim Prayer, Maranatha, Crosswinds Prayer Trust and Interprayer UK. Overseeing, supporting and endorsing the United Prayer Rising Europe event are Ian Cole of the World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK and Brian Mills of Interprayer, UK. They are both respected elders of the movement for prayer in the UK and worldwide.

Friday, 31 May 2019 12:35

Bosnia: Prayer for the Church

Churches Led by the Holy Spirit - Before Jesus went up to heaven, he told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father - the Holy Spirit. They did, and it was by the power of the Spirit that the very first movement to Christ began. 3,000 were baptized in one day, with believers added daily.

Again and again throughout the book of Acts we see the Holy Spirit initiating, empowering, and leading the early church. By the Holy Spirit, the disciples proclaimed the gospel fearlessly. They were empowered by the Spirit to speak boldly in the face of imprisonment, courts, opposition, and even death. Yes, and it was through the leading of the Holy Spirit that the church sent out the first people to take the gospel where it was not known.

Likewise, as we pray for a movement in Bosnia of disciples making disciples, we long to see churches following that very first model of being led by the Holy Spirit.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.  Acts 1:8

Going Before the Father:

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to stir and convict souls in this nation— and that the result would be commitment to Christ.
  •  Pray for those who know Christ and those who will soon come to him, that they will live empowered and emboldened by the Spirit in their daily lives.
  •  Pray that obedience to the Holy Spirit would be central to new churches as they form.
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The European Commission has threatened it will take legal action against Romania unless it reverses moves to cripple the independence of its courts and hinder the fight against corruption.

The commission, which is the European Union's executive body, has repeatedly warned that measures adopted by the ruling Social Democrats -- including moves to reduce statutes of limitation that would close some ongoing corruption trials -- are reversing years of anticorruption reforms and weakening the rule of law.

Spokesman Margaritis Schinas told a news briefing in Brussels on May 13 that Commission First Vice President Frans Timmermans had sent a warning letter to Romania's government on May 10.

"The main concerns relate to developments interfering with judicial independence and the effective fight against corruption, including the protection of financial interests of the EU and particularly to the recently adopted amendments to the Criminal Code that create a de facto impunity for crimes," Schinas said.

"Possible legislation to allow extraordinary appeals would further aggravate the rule-of-law situation," he added.

The commission has already put Hungary and Poland under a special "rule of law" framework over steps to tighten state control over the courts, media, academic institutions, and advocacy groups. This could theoretically lead to the eventual activation of the EU's Article 7 -- the so-called "nuclear option" -- resulting in a suspension of their voting rights in the EU.

Schinas said similar action would be taken against Romania unless it addressed the EU's concerns.

Schinas also signaled that Romania's becoming a member of the EU's passport-free Schengen travel area -- for which Bucharest has been pushing for years -- might not happen if the government ignored the rule-of-law concerns.

A senior EU diplomat, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said penalties could include loss of EU funds.

"The Romanian coalition government is systematically undermining the rule of law for the sole purpose of saving corrupt political leaders from prison," the diplomat said.

"If Bucharest continues on this dangerous path, taking part in the Schengen travel-free area will remain a pipe dream.

"Infringement of the rule of law will endanger the distribution of more than 30 billion euros [$33.7 billion] in cohesion funds earmarked for Romania in the draft EU budget for the years following 2021," the diplomat told Reuters.

Pray: That the integrity of the Romanian judicial system will be maintained.

Pray: That proposed legislation that undermines the rule of law will be overturned.

With reporting by Reuters, AFP, and RFE/RL's Romanian Service


Friday, 31 May 2019 06:51

Italy: Migrants refused entry

Italy intends to close all ports to NGO ships rescuing migrants crossing from Africa to Europe. The UN said that the decree intensifies the hostile climate and xenophobia against migrants. Meanwhile over 40 migrants from the German aid group Sea-Watch remained off the island of Lampedusa waiting to disembark its passengers. There are thousands looking for a new start after difficult journeys. In the middle of his nursing training, Hassan was drafted for five years of Eritrean military service, so, with his twin brother walked 550 miles overland to Khartoum, lived in a UN refugee camp for four months and hid in a truck caravan for 2,200 miles to Libya. Eight months of hard labour gave them enough for fake papers and a rubber dinghy holding 45 adults that crashed on a Sicilian beach. They managed to travel to Denmark, applied for refugee status and are hoping, eventually, to join friends in the UK.  See

Published in Europe
Friday, 31 May 2019 06:48

Germany: Jews told not to wear skullcaps

A skullcap, sometimes called a kippah or yarmulke, is a cap worn by some male Jews under religious rules that say their heads should be covered. Commissioner Felix Klein, the German government's top official against anti-semitism, has warned Jewish people not to wear skullcaps in parts of the country because of a rise in anti-Semitic attacks. Mr Klein told the Funke newspaper group, ‘My opinion has unfortunately changed compared with what it used to be. I cannot recommend to Jews that they wear the skullcap at all times everywhere in Germany.’ According to statistics released earlier this month, anti-Semitic incidents were up by 19.6% to 1,799 in 2018, with 89.1% of them involving far-right perpetrators. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said he was deeply shocked by Mr Klein's words. He added, ‘We will never submit, will never lower our gaze and will never react to anti-semitism with defeatism - and expect and demand our allies act in the same way.’

Published in Europe
Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:58

Poland: Just Don't Tell Anyone

A survey showed that Poland's pro-EU opposition has a ten-point lead over the ruling nationalists ahead of European Parliament elections - a sharp turnaround that some analysts linked to a film about sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church. The documentary Just Don't Tell Anyone, which shows victims of child abuse confronting priests who had sexually abused them, has shocked Poles. The powerful Catholic Church has close ties with the governing Law and Justice party (PiS). The documentary has been viewed more than 18 million times on YouTube since it was released on 11 May. PiS has responded to public outcry by announcing tougher penalties for child abuse, but it has also stressed that the instances of abuse by priests should not be used as a reason to attack the Catholic Church. PiS sees Catholicism as a key element of Poles' national identity. Some say that the church is too powerful.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:55

Austria: Russian video scandal

On 18 May Austria's vice-chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache resigned after German media published a video that purportedly showed him offering government contracts to a woman posing as the niece of a Russian oligarch, in exchange for media coverage and political funding. The scandal drove Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz to call for snap elections instead of trying to revive his weakened coalition government. ‘Enough is enough,’ Kurz told reporters, while Strache, who leads Austria's far-right Freedom Party, described the incident as a ‘targeted political assassination.’ The video was reportedly just months before Austria's last election, where Strache's party received 26% of the vote and 51 seats. In the wake of the video, Kurz said the abuse of power, taxes and interference in media affairs were among his concerns. Strache vowed to take legal steps to address the video.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:20

European parliament elections: Brexit Party

73 MEPs will be elected in the UK on 23 May, and the Conservative party potentially faces an angry backlash from voters. Nigel Farage’s new Brexit Party has more support than the two traditional British parties combined. Britain’s education minister Damian Hinds said that the elections were a second referendum that would be difficult for Conservatives. The latest opinion poll gives the Brexit Party 34% of the vote, yet it was only founded in April. Fourteen of UKIP's seventeen MEPs have defected to it. Nigel Farage said there has been a breakdown of trust between people and politicians, as the two main parties have failed to deliver the result of the Brexit referendum. See

Published in Europe
Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:18

Germany: opening to God

Before refugees came, Germans never thought about religion. Germany was a ‘Christian’ country. Lutheran or Catholic was an insignificant part of life. Now that Muslims have come, religion is an issue. Germans are questioning, ‘How am I different from them?’ ‘What do I even believe?’ ‘What does it mean to be a Christian?’ and ‘Who is God?’ Communities are becoming more open now. Even Muslims are becoming disillusioned because of the things being done in the name of Islam, and questioning if they want to be a part of something that does such harm. The Spirit is working in converts to Christianity. Most are authentic heart-transformations, even though some are sceptical and disheartened by occasional fake proclamations of faith. Fake or not, despite the intentions of the heart, God’s Word does not come back void. The gospel is being preached, even though there is still much opposition from sceptical nationals and fearful refugees.

Published in Europe

After the Second World War many said, ‘Never again’. For decades extreme nationalism was considered a threat. In 2019 it has re-emerged with European far-right parties forming a new alliance led by US strategist Steve Bannon, wanting to ‘promote’ right-wing populist groups in Europe. Matteo Salvini, Italy’s leader of the extremist League party, has joined ‘The Movement’ and has gathered right-wing Netherlands Party for Freedom, Germany’s AfD, Danish People's Party, the Finns Party and other extremist populist parties to form a new alliance, injecting their rhetoric into the EU; selling themselves as ‘maintaining or protecting their heritage and their people (they warn that refugees, Muslims, empowered women, and the EU bring unwanted change, which is a bad thing). A YouGov survey for voting intentions shows that the European parliament will be significantly different after 25 May with 35% of seats taken by socialists, Greens, the European People’s Party, and other anti-European parties. See

Published in Europe