Displaying items by tag: Praise

Friday, 28 July 2017 09:52

Eurasia: summer Bible camps

Praise God for the summer Bible camps that provide one of the only opportunities available to plant the seeds of faith in the hearts of millions of children throughout Eurasia who are trapped in poverty, hopelessness, and conflict. Many of these precious children live in areas hostile to Christianity or dominated by paganism and superstition, and we are called to love them as Jesus does. In Bible camps led by Next Generation Christian leaders this summer, an estimated 20,000 children will experience the love of Christian mentors and hear the gospel message in a fun, safe environment - away from the fear and poverty of their daily lives. For many of these children, this is the first and only time they will hear about Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 28 July 2017 09:49

Radical Muslim gives life to Christ

Most stories coming out of war zones are disheartening, but every now and then there will be a reminder that God is still at work. Recently, Open Doors USA reported on the miraculous conversion of a Muslim extremist in war-torn Syria. He decided to give his life to Christ after witnessing a Christian church service. One of the pastors choosing to stay in the city was hosting a church event, feeding the community and then sharing the Gospel message. As he was preparing his sermon he saw a man with a beard without a moustache, an indication of fundamental, extremist Islam. They were concerned and prayed about it, then they invited him in, keeping an eye on him. They fed him, he heard the sermon, and then gave his life to Christ.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 July 2017 09:38

Prime Minister backs faith schools

Christian education leaders have new hope after Prime Minister Theresa May promised that she would be an advocate for the establishment of new faith schools. During the last Prime Minister's Question Time before the summer recess, Conservative MP Sir Edward Leigh asked if her Government will be honouring its manifesto pledge to remove the faith-based cap for free schools. He said, ‘Catholic dioceses up and down the country are anxious to open free schools, and some have even purchased sites.’ Theresa May responded, ‘The reason we put that in our manifesto, and the reason it was in the schools Green Paper that we published before the election, is that we do believe it is important to enable more faith schools to be set up and more faith schools to expand.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 July 2017 09:36

New ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ film

Christian filmmakers King Street Pictures have begun production of a ground-breaking faith-based fantasy adventure film, based on the 1678 novel ‘The Pilgrim's Progress’ by John Bunyan. Regarded as the first novel written in English, it has been translated into over 200 languages and has never been out of print. It is second only to the Bible itself in global sales, and was begun by Bunyan when he was in prison for conducting religious services without permission. Now, the beloved Christian allegory will be put to film in ‘Heavenquest - A Pilgrim's Progress.’ The film will bring together an international cast of well-known actors from South Korea, Mexico, Australia, and North America. See also

Published in Praise Reports

Only a week after Mike Overd and Michael Stockwell's public order convictions were overturned at Bristol Crown Court, another preacher has been acquitted of a public order offence charge. Andrew Frost had been accused of causing harassment, alarm and distress to two men in a homosexual relationship. In March, he had been preaching on the consequences of sin in Nottingham city centre, quoting Luke 13:1-5 and Matthew 15:19. As he did so, two men holding hands walked by, and shouted abusive comments at Andrew. He continued to preach from Scripture.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 14 July 2017 11:04

More pioneering missionaries

The Church of England has recognised that pioneers are vital for the future of the Church. The Church Mission Society’s pioneer mission leadership training programme provides a designated pathway for ordination as an ordained pioneer minister - alongside the more traditional routes for teachers and pastors. This year there has been a further growth in numbers; an eclectic mix of missionaries will graduate this week after completing their studies in theology, ministry and mission. The pioneers included some being ordained into the Church of England as deacons or admitted to the order of Lay Pioneers. Mission pioneers are giving the Church a glimpse of the future, where mission will not be delivered solely by large para-church organisations, but increasingly through agile, innovative and creative pioneers, witnessing to love in action.

Published in Praise Reports

In Buenos Aires, Argentina, hospital doctors have found no explanation for the quick recovery of Martin Chain, a three-year-old boy who fell from the ninth floor when he was playing on the balcony of his apartment. The accident left the boy on the verge of death. However, he only took twenty days to recover and shows no signs of long-term complications. Florencia, his mother, said that in face of her son's serious condition they didn't stop praying. 'One day while I was singing him a song to the Virgin, he woke up.' From that moment, Martin began to recover. He first went to intermediate care, then they took him off the respirator, and finally he was discharged. The doctor said, 'There are times that for us professionals, there's nothing left but to put ourselves in God's hands. I'm Catholic, and I believe that miracles exist. Something happened there.'

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 July 2017 15:35

Iraqi pastor’s miraculous escape

In 2010, an Iraqi pastor miraculously survived a car bomb. 'Every part of my car was destroyed except for my seat. I had no scratches. The car was in flames, but I wasn't burned. I found pieces of glass in my hair and four parts of the bomb in the scarf I had around my neck. As if a scarf could stop a bomb. Nothing touched me, I lost not even a drop of blood.' The pastor knows it was God who allowed him to survive, and he believes God did so because He still had work for him to do. 'God gave me additional time. He put his stamp on my ministry, He said 'Go on.' God encouraged me that day.'Pastor Joseph now witnesses to many Muslims who are turning to Christ despite the threats they face. 'We have new blood, born-again new believers.'

Published in Praise Reports

'The villagers started punching and kicking us, all over our bodies. They asked us to praise Hindu gods. We refused. They kicked us harder.' This is what happened to Sohan, after he decided to follow Jesus and began sharing the gospel with others. His attackers then called the police and accused him of converting people to Christianity. He was imprisoned for four days, and saw God work in amazing ways. Sohan says, 'I preached the gospel and prayed for an inmate who was sick. He was healed and believed in Christ instantly. My other cellmate was a person suffering from intense depression. He kept saying that he wanted to kill himself. I prayed for him and the suicidal thoughts left him. He also accepted Christ. I also met a young man falsely accused of raping a woman; he was very upset and felt hopeless about his life. I shared the gospel with him, and he also accepted Christ. This way I saw God's immense power and deliverance.' Open Doors partners were able to bail Sohan out of prison, and are helping him to fight the false claims filed against him.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 30 June 2017 15:16

Two rescues from trafficking

Recently, after an anonymous tip-off, anti-trafficking authorities in the Dominican Republic, working in cooperation with International Justice Mission (IJM), found two young girls and their mother - who was exploiting them - in a crime-ridden and impoverished neighbourhood in Santo Domingo. The mother was arrested, and IJM social workers are working to ensure that the girls will recover from the trauma they endured. In another story, in South Asia, IJM and police had been investigating a sex trafficking network for over a year. On 25 June the team successfully rescued two young girls from a private brothel and arrested four suspects. Please pray for follow-up on the legal case, and pray for comfort and healing for these girls as they settle into a loving aftercare programme.

Published in Praise Reports