Displaying items by tag: Praise

A message from Christian Concern and Christian Legal Centre: ‘Voices of the Silenced tells the story of fifteen people who have moved away from homosexual behaviour, showing that people don’t have to be defined by same-sex attraction. The film was to premiere at a West End cinema on 8 February. But pressure from opponents caused its cancellation - and publicity that opponents hadn’t intended. We issued a press release so that the media knew our side of the story, and filmed a peaceful protest outside the cinema at the time the film was due to be shown, which then received thousands of views on social media. Soon we received media requests. Our team appeared on the BBC and radio stations, and was quoted in newspapers and news websites globally. Finally the film was premiered at an alternative venue. So in God’s providence, the film was shown and received far more attention than we could have expected.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 March 2018 10:42

Slaves released

An email to this office reads, ‘Praise God for 32 survivors rescued from slavery at a brick kiln this week, and please pray for ongoing obstacles in their case. These families were toiling in a brick kiln until International Justice Mission and a partner NGO arrived to rescue them on Wednesday. The families have been brought to safety, but their former owner is exerting his power in the community to influence local government officials, who are now delaying giving the rescued families crucial documents to mark their freedom and protect them long-term. We need God’s intervention to change the hearts of these officials so they do the right thing, seek justice and protect these children, women and men in their first critical days in freedom.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 02 March 2018 11:27

USA: ‘Turnaround’

From 22 to 24 February intercessors from across the USA gathered in Washington DC to pray for a ‘Turnaround’. Many felt this could prove to be one of the most historic prayer gatherings in America's history. They filled the spiritual atmosphere over Washington with intercession and biblical declarations to bring the USA into a spiritual breakthrough that only God can give the nation. During the gathering they launched the next phase of what they believe will be a worldwide prayer movement, as they and many others sense change is coming across the nations.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 02 March 2018 11:23

God’s messages behind a musical

The hip-hop musical Hamilton is now playing in the UK, delivering spiritual messages as it traverses a number of important social issues including race, gender equality, immigration and diversity. Black and minority ethnic actors play the roles of the Founding Fathers, a casting decision that turns audience expectations upside down as soon as the musical starts. After seeing Hamilton, the actress Rosie O’Donnell described it as ‘a religious experience, a spiritual cleansing. Hamilton is medicine that I need for my soul. It is vital to me; it feels like going to church’. People are saying that they are unexpectedly drawn into the presence of God as the atmosphere in the theatre changes. The audience collectively feels a weight, a tension, a presence - perhaps even the presence of God - as deeply spiritual themes saturate the musical. Hamilton built his life on the foundation of grace. See v

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 23 February 2018 10:56

Iran: an army of hope

World News recently published an article highlighting what Christian broadcasters are doing to contribute to the fastest growing evangelical population on the planet. Iran Alive Ministries broadcast Christian programmes across the region, and Dr Hormoz Shariat, the president and founder, has been called ‘the Billy Graham of Iran’. Millions of Iranians refer to him as ‘my pastor’ as he speaks to them in their living rooms each evening on satellite television. In recent months, protests have broken out all over Iran, with people marching in the streets against their government. Dr Hormoz helped listeners outside and inside Iran to understand what the protests mean. He encouraged Christians in Iran to use the protests as an opportunity to share the gospel; in doing this Iranians saw even more people come to Christ. See also

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 23 February 2018 10:54

Praise God for Billy Graham!

Billy Graham died on 21 February, aged 99. No-one will ever be able to calculate the extent of the blessing he has been to hundreds of millions of men and women, from possibly every country in the world, who were put on God’s path for them through his ministry. To listen to a tribute to Billy Graham presented by UCB, click the ‘More’ button.

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Friday, 16 February 2018 10:13

North Korea: an unlikely evangelist

As Kyung-ja drifted in and out of consciousness, her head bloodied by repeated blows from a club, she heard her North Korean guard shouting words she had never heard before - Bible, God, Jesus. She couldn’t understand why the guard kept asking about them and then beating her when she didn’t or couldn’t answer. Two months later she was transferred to a labour camp, where she asked a fellow-prisoner, ‘What is God? What is a Bible?’ The prisoner told her there was a God, but that they couldn’t discuss it because it was too dangerous. Months later, while talking on the phone with her daughter in South Korea, Kyung-ja finally got answers to her questions. Soon afterwards, she placed her faith in Christ, and today she lives and serves Him in South Korea. North Koreans will not be changed by politics or missiles. They will be changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Published in Praise Reports

Following the proposal by the NHS for a new form of prenatal screening, Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), for women ‘at high risk' of having a child with Down's syndrome, Prayer Alert readers prayed for the General Synod to call for regulation on providers of this screening. See The Synod members have now affirmed that they welcome medical advances, but are also calling for the Government and health professionals to ensure that women whose unborn child has Down's syndrome are given comprehensive and unbiased information about it. They added that people with this condition should be welcomed, celebrated and treated with dignity and respect.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 February 2018 10:15

Trafficking gang caught in dawn raids

On 6 February police arrested over 20 people across the UK in a huge operation to tackle a Kurdish gang smuggling hundreds of illegal immigrants into the UK for up to £10,000 a time. Over 300 officers coordinated by the National Crime Agency raided properties in Northumbria, Cleveland, Sussex and London to arrest suspected traffickers. Hundreds of Iraqi Kurds, men, women and children, are being brought into the UK in lorries and on ferries by the gang, paying up to £10,000 each. A number of car washes were also raided, in what is said to be a bid to shut down the gang's money laundering operation. Senior investigating officer Mark Spoors said all of the agency's targets had been arrested, and a significant trafficking network has been disrupted.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 February 2018 10:13

Christian athletes in the winter Olympics

Nearly 3,000 athletes will compete in 102 events in this year’s Winter Olympics. Among them are Christian Olympians who have spoken openly about their faith. Kelly Clark (snowboarding halfpipe) said she didn’t get her worth from what she did, it was from Christ. David Wise (freestyle skiing halfpipe) said his Christian faith ‘plays a huge role because it enables me to be confident’. Elana Meyers Taylor (bobsled) said, ‘Regardless of whether I win gold or not, I just have to trust that God has a plan for my life and I’m called to be his representative through the sport and outside the sport.’ Katie Uhlaender (skeleton) said God guides her and gives her the strength to keep going. Gigi Marvin (hockey) said her mission is more than winning medals: it’s about sharing Christ and leading others to him.

Published in Praise Reports