Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 19 April 2018 23:05

White House Bible study group

In 2010 Capitol Ministries began a Bible study for representatives, which now has almost fifty members. When four of the group were elected to the Senate, they asked for a senators' Bible class, which began in 2015. Two months after Donald Trump took office, the same process led to a group for cabinet members. Trump started appointing to his cabinet all the men who were in the House and Senate bible study, men who were known to be believers. Unlike secular media, Christians noticed that the appointees had something in common - they were strong in Christ. Jeff Sessions (former health secretary), Tom Price, and others then started a cabinet Bible study. For the first time in 100 years, the US Cabinet has a Bible study group.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 06 April 2018 11:45

North Korea: missionaries on the border

Missionaries in north-eastern China are still engaged in the dangerous work of spreading the Gospel across the border to North Korea, even though at least ten missionaries and pastors have mysteriously died in recent years. They keep at it because they believe their converts will help change religious practice in the cloistered North, which equates Christianity with US-led Western imperialism. The border missionaries provide their North Korean visitors with room and board, and those escaping with places to hide. In return, they ask them to memorise Christian prayers and covertly share what they've learned when they return home.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 06 April 2018 11:43

Yulia Skripal getting stronger

In the midst of a depressing and sometimes frightening diplomatic crisis, with international media and government accusations and statements, the UK police issued a positive statement on 5 April. It was a message from Russian spy Sergei Skripal's daughter Yulia: ‘I woke up over a week ago now, and am glad to say my strength is growing every day.’ She also said she was grateful for the many messages of goodwill and the care she had received. Mr Skripal, 66, remains critically ill but stable.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 30 March 2018 00:48

Easter outreach

Across the nations churches proclaim the Easter message this weekend. One example is the ‘Cross His Path’ initiative which distributed 200 crosses for people to find in Sudbury and Great Cornard from 26 to 31 March. Each cross had a Bible verse on one side and on the flipside link details to the ‘Cross His Path’ Facebook page where people could log their finds, receive an Easter message, and leave their own reflections. It also gave details of local Easter services and activities, one of which is a ‘Stations of Sudbury’ walk on Easter Saturday, retelling the story of Jesus’ death through readings and prayers at a variety of locations. It will also give an opportunity to pray for the community. Praise God that the heart of the Christian message is being proclaimed across the UK in a variety of ways. Death is not the end for today’s disciples; there is more to come because of what Christ did for us.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 30 March 2018 00:46

Rescued from slavery in India

Impoverished families trafficked from central Indian states are forced to make thousands of clay bricks daily in appalling conditions. Victims don’t speak out due to intimidation. Officials can’t ascertain the truth. Fortunately, one 13-year-old boy told officials how he worked nine hours a day. His courage emboldened others. Teenage girls described carrying heavy stacks of bricks on their heads. A single mother shared the agony of not getting medical care for her sick child. Soon the local authorities had enough information to complete a rescue operation and bring the victims to safety. On 23 March, IJM reported, ‘nearly 150 children, women and men were rescued from bonded labour slavery in a single Indian brick kiln. Years ago, local leaders would not admit slavery still existed, let alone help families in need. Today the families are receiving medical care, food, ID cards, police protection and release certificates that break any bonds to former owners.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:36

Ireland: Pope’s visit

It has been confirmed that 81-year-old Pope Francis will visit Dublin on Saturday 25 August to take part in the Festival of Families, a faith-based cultural concert in Croke Park, and celebrate Mass in Phoenix Park the following day. Bearing in mind the current contemporary challenges that face families in both Ireland and elsewhere, the Catholic bishops said, ‘We are deeply honoured that Pope Francis will come to our country to participate in this universal church celebration of faith and joy’, adding that they look forward to hearing apostolic guidance.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:19

A faith-filled vision for Burma

Thousands of Christians are persecuted every day. Each one has a story of how God works in and through them: not just stories of persecution, but stories of faith, courage and opportunity. This is Stephen’s story. Stephen is a young Burmese man living where many Christians face persecution from the government and their communities. He is full of faith, with an incredible vision to see God bring thousands of Burmese to Christ! Through reading the Bible, he heard God’s call to serve Him and began praying for the many tribal groups of Burma without a Bible in their own language. He became the answer to his prayers and went to Bible college. When he arrived, he could not speak Burmese or English, only his tribal language. It was very difficult. But today he is teaching theology and English and declared, ‘A great field is before us. Many try to hinder God’s work, but Burmese hearts are not closed to God.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:16

Guatemala: prayer prompts embassy move

President Morales has announced that the Guatemalan embassy will be moved to Jerusalem in May, just two days after the United States. The president, an outspoken Christian Evangelical, has been publicly supportive of Israel since the beginning of his mandate. After receiving an award recently he said, ‘From the bottom of my heart, I tell you, I don’t feel I deserve this. I’m just trying to do the right thing and allow my God, my people, and history to judge me.’ Vice president Jafeth Cabrera said his country is fulfilling biblical prophecy: ‘Yes, we do share the idea that prophecy is coming to pass. We are pleased that Guatemala is contributing to having that happen, and we hope it will soon be a reality.’ The vice president also said the decision could not have happened without prayer.

Published in Praise Reports

A message from Christian Concern and Christian Legal Centre: ‘Voices of the Silenced tells the story of fifteen people who have moved away from homosexual behaviour, showing that people don’t have to be defined by same-sex attraction. The film was to premiere at a West End cinema on 8 February. But pressure from opponents caused its cancellation - and publicity that opponents hadn’t intended. We issued a press release so that the media knew our side of the story, and filmed a peaceful protest outside the cinema at the time the film was due to be shown, which then received thousands of views on social media. Soon we received media requests. Our team appeared on the BBC and radio stations, and was quoted in newspapers and news websites globally. Finally the film was premiered at an alternative venue. So in God’s providence, the film was shown and received far more attention than we could have expected.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 March 2018 10:42

Slaves released

An email to this office reads, ‘Praise God for 32 survivors rescued from slavery at a brick kiln this week, and please pray for ongoing obstacles in their case. These families were toiling in a brick kiln until International Justice Mission and a partner NGO arrived to rescue them on Wednesday. The families have been brought to safety, but their former owner is exerting his power in the community to influence local government officials, who are now delaying giving the rescued families crucial documents to mark their freedom and protect them long-term. We need God’s intervention to change the hearts of these officials so they do the right thing, seek justice and protect these children, women and men in their first critical days in freedom.’

Published in Praise Reports