Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 07 May 2020 23:00

Intercessor Focus: lockdown praise and thanks

Psalm 136 says, ‘Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures for ever.’ During lockdown thousands are encountering God through prayer and praise with online networking. ‘Germany together in prayer’ brought a million Christian churches, ministries and groups plus prominent political leaders together to pray online.In the same week ‘World Prayer Together’ united millions of worshippers across the nations. Meanwhile, Holy Trinity Brompton reports a record number of Alpha sign-ups and there is an increased openness to the gospel as more people seek spiritual truths on search engines. Praise God for declining rates of infection and the solidarity of communities practising limited communal contact. And for many the ‘imposed’ furlough is resulting in families having more time together and the rest resulting from cancelled non-essential travel.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 07 May 2020 22:53

‘Light touch’ evangelism

The Freedom Church in Kingswood (Bristol) has set up Freedom Groups which meet weekly via Zoom. Church members in the groups are encouraged to invite neighbours to join. The church has also created a prayer line, Prayer4You, where people can contact the church for spiritual support. ‘We wanted to offer a bit more than a leaflet through the door offering help,’ explains associate pastor Revd Dr David Hull. ‘We wanted to offer the opportunity to engage in a light touch way with questions of faith.’ As well as places to talk, pastors record a short weekly video message for groups to watch. Each broadcast introduces a faith issue which the group can then discuss. ‘It is an opportunity for people outside the church to begin to think about and discuss questions of faith in any way they want to.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:18

Boris Johnson, Carrie Symonds, and a new baby

On 29 April Carrie Symonds, Boris Johnson's partner, gave birth to a baby boy in a London hospital. They have received many congratulations from politicians and are also being prayed for by church leaders, many of whom have written their messages and prayers online. The Archbishop of York wrote, ‘May the angels of God be your shield and defender. A candle is lit for the three of you, and prayers offered.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:15

Technology - the tool of the moment

Technology is a powerful tool for light and life in this pandemic. A surge in Google searches around the theme of hope and faith plus a phenomenal increase of people searching Christian websites means that more are hearing the Gospel. Global Media Outreach registered a 170% increase in clicks on search engine advertisements about finding hope. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and Campus Crusade (Cru) created special internet tools for ministry in the pandemic. Cru’s student page is expected to receive 20 million more visitors than last year, and BGEA’s outreach had 191,000+ online visitors and 11,000 decisions to accept Jesus as Saviour. See also Intercessor Focus: praying for the local church.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:13

Hope for every home

During these days of isolation, United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) is now offering an alternative to the negative news bombarding us 24/7 by bringing a new radio programme, ‘Hope For Every Home’. Their vision is to spread God’s Word far and wide with real-life stories of what God is doing in people’s lives. Prayers of thanksgiving for all the good things happening right now, and celebration as they welcome the many new listeners receiving hope directly into their homes by listening to UCB Radio. They hope to reach more people than ever before with an hour of life-changing messages. To listen now, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:10

Missionaries are special

Missionary workers are a special kind of people: restless, visionary, with a touch of adventure and a rock-solid belief that the message of the Gospel deserves to be heard by everyone. The impact of the pandemic will be enormous in the predominantly poor areas where missionaries work and where social abstinence is not an option. They are used to badly stocked stores and substandard medical care, and accept situations as they occur. They give us hope and confidence that a transition in challenging times is possible. To read their encouraging stories, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 April 2020 23:51

Captain Tom’s fundraising

99-year-old Captain Tom Moore pledged to walk 100 laps of his garden just after hip surgery - and just before his 100th birthday (on 30 April) - to raise money for the NHS. He captured the hearts of the nation and raised over £28million for hospital sleep pods and ‘wobble rooms’ where staff can release emotions after a traumatic experience. Wellbeing packs for staff, described as ‘Hug Boxes’, provide mental health support for staff and volunteers involved in dealing with the pandemic. Electronic tablets will be available for patients in isolation, enabling contact with families. The money raised will go to NHS Charities Together. Later in the year Captain Tom will be awarded a Pride Of Britain Award at an awards ceremony.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 April 2020 23:49

Laptops given for online lessons at home

Poorer school children could lose out when lessons are being taught online. Now disadvantaged teenagers will be able to borrow laptops to help them study at home while schools are closed. The Department of Education is supporting 180 free online lessons for primary and secondary pupils through to year 10 with laptops or tablets for those without access to a computer, taking the pressure off parents who have children at home.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 April 2020 23:45

Hope with God growing

The Luis Palau Association produces a website and social media, Hope with God. It is a growing community that shares the Gospel through targeted ads and daily encouragement. Hope with God is seen by an average of 36,000 people each month, indicating a commitment to Jesus Christ through this platform. The team has seen that the number of decisions to trust and hope in the Lord has more than doubled since the Covid-19 outbreak began.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 April 2020 23:43

A message from International Justice Mission

‘Praise God for the compassion and creativity that survivors of bonded-labour and sex-trafficking are showing within their own communities in this season. We are so impressed by many of the survivors we serve who have overcome heart-breaking violence as they offer to distribute food aid, sew face masks, or do anything else they can to help others who are less fortunate. It has been a great surprise and delight for IJM staff to see these women and men grow in leadership and empowerment this way. Pray for their ongoing health and safety, and for God to bless their outreach within their communities.’

Published in Praise Reports