Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 14 March 2024 22:36

African prisoners transformed by Gospel message

In a notorious African prison, 166 death-row inmates existed in a state of despair; but a team of missionaries and medical professionals were undeterred, ready to offer both healthcare and the gospel. Believing in the transformative power of faith, they planned to preach and provide individual counselling during medical checks. They were driven by a conviction that even these forsaken souls deserved to hear the message of hope. As the Gospel was shared, hardened faces softened with tears, signalling an emotional and spiritual awakening among the inmates. This moment marked a shift from hopelessness to a glimmer of hope and understanding. The medical consultations became opportunities for inmates to personally embrace faith, with many choosing to commit to a new spiritual path. The next day, the prison warden observed a profound change. Inmates were deeply engaged in reading the Bible and discussing its teachings, transforming the prison's atmosphere to one of joy and community.

Published in Praise Reports

Jackie Darby, a mother, wife, and author with a profound faith, was once a baby abandoned in a rat-infested garbage dump in Seoul, South Korea. Darby shares how she was discovered and saved by a missionary nurse and taken to a missionary-run orphanage. Her life took a turn for the better when she was adopted by American missionaries, inspired by an article about post-war babies. Darby's journey was filled with challenges, especially grappling with her past. Teaming up with fellow author Aixa de López, Darby co-authored "Whose Am I?", a book exploring adoption, redemption, and our true identity in Christ. This collaboration started when de López, inspired by Darby, embarked on her own foster care and adoption journey. Their bond strengthened as Darby supported de López and formed a special connection with her adopted daughter Darly, who found comfort and understanding in Darby's story. The book aims to facilitate conversations about adoption and identity, providing insights for all children, whether adopted, in foster care, or simply curious. They hope it serves as a tool for open, complex discussions about adoption's beauty and the concept of true spiritual adoption.

Published in Praise Reports

Perry Noble, Senior Pastor of Second Chance Church in South Carolina, used a bench press demonstration in his recent sermon to symbolize the importance of community support in coping with life's worries. Illustrating his point, Noble initially lifted a 135-pound barbell alone, representing life's daily burdens. He then added weight to a total of 400 pounds, humorously acknowledging it was too much for him alone. In his sermon "Winning the War Against Worry," Noble emphasised the power of combining God's strength with the support of fellow Christians. He highlighted that even Jesus sought his disciples' support in his most troubled times, suggesting that if Jesus needed others, so do we. Noble, who founded Second Chance Church in 2019 after personal challenges, including his dismissal from NewSpring Church, marital difficulties, and alcohol struggles, related to the topic personally. He confessed to previously living in isolation, exacerbating his problems and leading to alcohol dependency. Noble's message was clear: seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. He urged anyone facing similar struggles to reach out for support, advocating for the power of community in overcoming life's heaviest burdens.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 01 March 2024 10:17

Street preacher wins settlement from police

Avon and Somerset police have confessed they acted ‘disproportionately’ when stopping pastor Dia Moodley from criticising other religions while street preaching. The notice was issued in 2021, to prevent him from ‘passing comments on any other religion or comparing them to Christianity’. After the police settled damages on the ground of religious discrimination, Moodley said, ‘It isn't for them to decide which religions or worldviews can be free from criticism. When I preach, I am committed to speaking about the good news of Christianity in love, grace, and truth – but that doesn't mean that I will never say something that others may disagree with. The nature of a free and democratic society is that we can speak publicly about our beliefs. Thankfully, I have received some measure of justice after having been wrongfully silenced by authorities. But this creeping culture of censorship is detrimental to all of us in society, whatever we believe, and we must challenge it wherever we see it.’

Published in Praise Reports

A motion has been introduced in the Scottish parliament to formally recognise St Giles' Cathedral, a landmark in Edinburgh with a history spanning 900 years. MSP Miles Briggs commended the cathedral for its enduring significance and its efforts to engage people of all backgrounds and faiths. Rev Dr George Whyte, representing St Giles', expressed gratitude for the recognition, emphasising the importance of maintaining a balance between tourism and worship. The motion also highlights the cathedral's role as a centre celebrating Scotland's heritage and culture, attracting 1.5 million visitors annually. It is also a national church, hosting significant events such as state ceremonies. The cathedral's outreach projects aim to foster inclusivity and community cohesion. The motion will be circulated for additional signatures, reflecting widespread support within the parliament.

Published in Praise Reports

72-year-old Christian Younis Bhatti has been discharged from a blasphemy case after the accuser, Sosan Fatima, admitted to falsely accusing him. Fatima had alleged that Bhatti desecrated the Quran, but confessed to a conspiracy to prevent him from dividing property. Bhatti has been reunited with his family, but it was not thought safe for him to return home immediately. The incident had led to protests, prompting many Christians to flee. Bhatti's discharge, facilitated by a Christian rights organisation, was hailed as a miracle. Blasphemy accusations in Pakistan,often used to settle personal scores, can result in death sentences. Fatima's husband escaped police custody, leading to the suspension of the policemen who were with him, but was later recaptured. This case highlights the misuse of blasphemy laws and the risks faced by religious minorities in Pakistan.

Published in Praise Reports

A pastor attending the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl parade claims the Holy Spirit urged him and his family to leave minutes before a shooting broke out, resulting in one death and 22 injuries. Timmy Hensel, pastor of River Church Family, recounted feeling prompted to depart despite the festive atmosphere. He credits divine intervention for their safety, emphasising the importance of recognising God's guidance. Hensel expresses gratitude for being spared and prays for the victims of the incident. Two men have been charged in connection with the shooting, which erupted from a verbal altercation. The pastor's testimony highlights the role of faith amidst tragedy, underscoring the community's grief and the need for spiritual discernment in challenging times.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 22 February 2024 21:40

Strangers save each other's lives

Marius Werner, a young German, anonymously donated stem cells that saved the life of British doctor Dr Nick Embleton, who was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. Unable to find a match in the UK, the search extended globally, leading to Marius. Two years after the transplant, BBC News facilitated their meeting. Nick, a veteran neonatal doctor, feared for his life upon diagnosis but now cherishes family time. Bone marrow transplants require matching donors,and both donor and patient remain anonymous initially. After a successful transplant, Nick expressed a desire to meet Marius. They met in Newcastle. Marius, overwhelmed, shared how he had been suicidal, but this opportunity to save someone brought new purpose to his life. Their meeting saw the fostering of a bond between these two ‘blood brothers’, who were brought together by a life-saving act of kindness.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 February 2024 23:26

Film star turned pastor: 'Jesus saved my life'

Joshua Broome, a former Adult film star, went from the brink of suicide to finding salvation in Christianity. In 2013, at the peak of his film career, Broome, who had appeared in over 1,000 films and won major awards, was internally struggling with anxiety and depression. His turmoil stemmed from his fatherless upbringing and the emptiness he felt despite his success. On a decisive day, he entered a bank to cash what he thought would be his final pay cheque. Writing a provocative memo on the cheque, he expected condemnation from the teller. Instead, her concern for his well-being, recognising him by his real name, deeply impacted him. This encounter made him leave the Adult entertainment industry, reconnect with his mother, and start a new life. Now a devoted Christian, married with three children, Broome travels globally sharing his story.He has inspired many, showing that redemption and hope are possible despite a troubled past. He advocates immersing oneself in Scripture and Christian fellowship for true healing and encourages people to seek God's love and forgiveness.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 February 2024 23:24

Survey: effects of churchgoing on happiness

A recent Gallup poll reveals a notable decline in overall life satisfaction among Americans, with only 47% expressing high fulfilment, marking a near-record low. This dip, observed for only the third time in two decades, is attributed to concerns over national affairs and economic challenges. However, certain groups demonstrate higher satisfaction levels, notably regular churchgoers. About 56% of Americans attending weekly religious services report high personal life satisfaction, compared to 41% of those who seldom or never attend. The findings indicate a persistent correlation between church attendance, faith engagement, and enhanced life satisfaction. For instance, 92% of weekly church attendees are satisfied with their lives, with 67% being very satisfied. Additionally, churchgoers report relatively stable 'excellent' mental health over recent years. These encouraging yet challenging results highlight the significant role of church involvement and Christian faith in fostering happiness and well-being.

Published in Praise Reports