Displaying items by tag: Praise

Friday, 03 December 2021 10:16

Abortion and Down’s syndrome debates

Many people took the time to write to their MP to oppose an amendment that would completely decriminalise abortion in the UK and support pro-life amendments to the Health and Care Bill. The amendment to decriminalise abortion was withdrawn before it could even go to a vote, and there was strong support for the amendments even though they were withdrawn. Also the second reading of the Down’s Syndrome Bill was approved in the House of Commons, meaning that people with Down’s syndrome would be recognised as a minority group of people. This would ensure that they are not neglected and their abilities are recognised.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 03 December 2021 10:12

Spreading God's love this Christmas

Rediscover Church, in Devon, has been sharing the spirit of Advent by distributing a thousand Christmas hampers to the needy for the past six years. The recipients often include families struggling with finances during the festive time when strains on bank accounts cause stress, anxiety and worry. With the reduction of Universal Credit and the ongoing effects of Covid-19, there is an even greater need for acts of kindness. The hampers hold a range of food to support people through the festive period. The church receives daily calls for help and support, and this is a practical way to make a difference while showing kindness and hope. The hampers are symbols of love that let people know that they are valued and cherished.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 November 2021 21:39

Sudan: answered prayer - coup ended

On 28 October you prayed for Sudan to find a workable political system so that coups and coup attempts cease. On 21 November Sudan's ousted prime minister Abdalla Hamdok was reinstated and released from house arrest. All political detainees were also released as part of a new agreement between the military, civilian leaders and ex-rebel groups. The coup had sparked weeks of mass protests with many deaths. Mr Hamdok agreed to the terms to avoid further bloodshed. The group of mediators, which included academics, journalists and politicians, released a statement outlining the terms of the agreement, which said the rules governing the transition towards democracy would be restored.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 November 2021 21:36

UK to label Hamas a terror organisation

The British government will designate Hamas as a terrorist organisation, joining the USA, Canada and the EU. Hamas will be banned under the UK’s Terrorism Act of 2000, which would make it illegal to meet with Hamas members, fly its ,or wear clothing indicating support for the group. Supporters could face up to 14 years in prison or a fine. The approval of the ban in parliament is expected within a week. Priti Patel said, ‘Hamas is fundamentally and rabidly antisemitic. Antisemitism is an enduring evil which I will never tolerate.’ Jewish people routinely feel unsafe - at school, in the streets, when they worship, in their homes, and online. This step will strengthen the case against anyone who waves a Hamas flag in the UK. See

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 18 November 2021 21:29

Pastor tackled gunman at Sunday service

American pastor Ezekiel Ndikumana said God helped him know what to do, after a man at the front of his church pulled a gun out and pointed it at the congregation. Pastor Ezekiel, who has been hailed a hero, was praying with members of his congregation when the incident happened. He can be seen on camera tackling the gun-wielding man into the aisle. He held him down until police arrived and arrested Dezire Baganda, 26, who also faces over a dozen aggravated assault charges. While Baganda is not a church member, the pastor said he has attended previous services. Congregation member Akimana Charite said, ‘We were so shocked seeing him come in the front and pull out a gun. The whole church was calm; we thank God, if we had started panicking he might have started shooting, but we all stayed calm.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 18 November 2021 21:27

Former gay learned to love himself as a man

Emmett Chang grew up with mostly female friends and was bullied by males his age; he grew to hate his masculinity. ‘I medicated, pacified, and drowned myself in homosexuality. I hated myself as a man. I didn’t feel like a man.’ But somebody talked to him about God and gave him a booklet. He read it because he wanted to see if God hated him. He found out God didn’t. Emmett said, ‘It said all sins are bad; they’re all worthy of death, including homosexuality. But that same sin was covered by grace.’ Next, a pastor prompted him indirectly by asking if God ever said he was gay? Emmett said, ‘It was a million-dollar question. It took 21 years for God to answer me in that fashion.’ After giving his life to Christ his transformation has been progressive. He now attends the Door Church in Tucson.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 November 2021 22:07

Ministry to disabled sees surge in growth

2.25 million disabled Americans should attend church, but don’t. Calvary Community is oriented towards people with ‘special abilities’. Their families drive long distances to get there. As a result, church growth has surged. ‘It just really exploded,’ said Pastor Gina. ‘We have a heart to help. The church understands the value of people with special abilities. ‘They have a straightforward clear understanding of the love of God. They’re not bogged down by noise, politics, or anything that can confuse who God is. Their childlike faith reminds us how simple the love of God can be. They help us understand what it means to serve someone who can’t serve us back.’ The community has 300 volunteers actively seeking and serving people with special abilities. The results speak for themselves. The church now has a database of 700 families with one or more child or adult with special abilities, and they train and help other churches develop special programmes. 

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 November 2021 22:04

Youth mission trip saves a witchdoctor

Pastor Brant Cole took a team of teenagers to their sister church in Haiti. The night before they were to leave, Brant felt there was still something left that God wanted to do. As they drove through a village he saw a woman and stopped the truck; he needed to tell her about Jesus. The woman said she couldn’t receive Jesus; she was indebted to the devil. They told her repeatedly, ‘Christ died to take away every debt and sin in our past.’ Surprisingly, she invited them to her house. After sharing the gospel with her more fully, the power of the Word and Spirit burst into her and she was born again. Later, they discovered she was the local witchdoctor. Other Christians had witnessed the love of God to her for years, but she had refused. Then God brought a little team of willing teenagers from a distant land and created a miracle.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 04 November 2021 22:35

Answered prayer - 1

On 16 October four-year-old Cleo Smith disappeared in the middle of the night while camping with her family in a harsh remote area of Australia. On 21 October we joined with many across Australia to pray for her to be found. Now, after 18 days, she has been rescued from a locked house in Carnarvon. The police have arrested a 36-year-old man and are questioning him. The authorities say they have so far not found any connection between the man and the Smith family. She has now been reunited with her parents. ‘Our family is whole again,’ was the message Cleo’s mother wrote on Instagram. Prime minister Scott Morrison said, ‘It is a huge relief that the nightmare has come to an end and our worst fears were not realised.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 04 November 2021 22:33

Answered prayer - 2

Recently you prayed for eighty women on a spiritual retreat. Today we received this message: ‘The Lord answered your prayers abundantly! Thank you for praying for the many ladies suffering persecution from their families for their faith in Christ. This retreat gave them hope and allowed them to worship freely. One woman, overwhelmed with thankfulness, said her faith is growing and she looks forward to sharing Christ with others. Another woman, in tears, said, “The retreat taught me what it is like to be loved and valued by God and others”. Time and time again we see broken, weary, fearful attendees who have experienced suffering, trauma, and loss. But through God’s grace and power, after just a few days, a distinct, palpable transformation occurs. Hope-filled smiles and laughter, healing of past wounds, restoration of soul and spirit.’

Published in Praise Reports