Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 13 January 2022 21:03

Christian bakers win at European court

Attempts to overturn the Supreme Court ruling in a case against a Belfast bakery have been rejected. Seven years ago, Christian-led Ashers Baking Company refused to write ‘support gay marriage’ on a cake. Gareth Lee sued Ashers, then lost his case at the UK Supreme Court. He took the matter to the European Court of Human Rights, arguing that the UK had failed to protect his human rights. Before the Supreme Court ruling, a Belfast county court and an appeal court had both ruled that the bakery had discriminated against Lee on the grounds of sexual orientation.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 06 January 2022 21:42

Rejoice in His justice and hope

Throughout 2021 the Christian Legal Centre (CLC) has continued tirelessly seeking justice for Christians whose ministries have wrongly been impeded by lockdown restrictions. In July, it supported Joshua as he contested the fine given to him for evangelising in the streets of Camden on Good Friday. As he was sharing the good news of Jesus with the homeless, he was surrounded and intimidated by four police officers, who ignored his explanation before fining and prosecuting him. By God's grace, justice was rightly served, and Joshua continues to preach Christ to those in his local community. Also, new Christian schools are being set up all across the UK, bringing hope for generations to come. CLC is currently supporting 19 groups which are seeking to start new Christ-centred schools in the UK.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 06 January 2022 21:39

11-year-old in New Year honours list

Tobias Weller, 11, from Sheffield, who has cerebral palsy and autism, is to receive the British Empire Medal (BEM). He began raising money for charity when he was 9, inspired by Captain Sir Tom Moore’s example. He used his walker to complete a 70-day marathon challenge, raising £100,000 for charity. He completed his latest challenge - an Ironman - in September and has raised over £157,000 for Paces School, where he is a student, and the Children's Hospital Charity. Tobias is the youngest-ever recipient of the BEM, and indeed on the honours list. He said, ‘I'm chuffed to bits to be the youngest recipient of such an incredible honour’.

Published in Praise Reports
Wednesday, 22 December 2021 21:46

‘Miraculous’ missionary escape in Haiti

In October we asked you to pray for the release and safe return of missionaries held hostage in Haiti. On 16 December the twelve Canadian and American missionaries made a daring night-time escape walking on rough moonlit terrain following the sheer guidance of the stars. After a number of hours of walking, day began to dawn, and they eventually found someone who helped them make a phone call for help. They were finally free. They had faced difficult and intense circumstances in captivity, including sweltering heat, mosquito bites and limited access to food.

Published in Praise Reports
Wednesday, 22 December 2021 21:43

Bangladesh: feeding thousands

Everyone in Pastor Martin’s community on the coast of Bangladesh is painfully aware of climate change as they suffer an increasing number of extreme storms, losing possessions and evacuating to temporary shelters. The vulnerable, the elderly and children suffer the most. People also lose their crops so they no longer have food to put on the table, but Pastor Martin is helping them take steps towards a better future. World Concern Bangladesh showed him how to prepare for disasters and lead disaster response efforts. He set up a community group to prepare for and respond to disasters. During recent floods, Pastor Martin’s community group pooled resources to deliver food and essential supplies locally and far beyond to eight local villages and 10,000 people. His church has now been renovated to be used as a shelter during cyclones and a relief hub.

Published in Praise Reports
Wednesday, 15 December 2021 21:41

Zambian village believed for more - and got it

The villagers of Lihukwa used to fish the local rivers, but this barely provided them with enough food or income to survive. Families went hungry, there was no school or hospital, and accessing essential supplies was challenging. Pastor Teddy Chinyama visited the village and began offering Bible study. Then, as he got to know the villagers, he taught them how to use the land God had given them and trained them in growing a variety of crops. They began to hope for a better life, and transformation began. They successfully petitioned the local council to set up a health clinic and support the construction of a new school. New projects are springing up all the time. The villagers now grow their own food and sell vegetables at the market. People are now able to afford what they need, and hunger is a thing of the past.

Published in Praise Reports
Wednesday, 15 December 2021 21:38

Nativity plays to go ahead despite Covid restrictions

Last month the head teachers’ association confirmed many schools were moving their nativity plays online due to Covid concerns. But recently Boris Johnson said the move to Plan B Covid restrictions does not mean schools and churches should cancel nativity plays. He said, ‘We don’t want kids to be taken out of school before the end of term, we don’t want nativity plays to be cancelled. We think that it is OK to keep going with Christmas parties, but everybody should exercise due caution, have ventilation, wash your hands, get a test before you go - give everybody else confidence they are going to be meeting somebody who is not contagious.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 December 2021 21:24

Christmas jumper becomes new clergy 'uniform'

A Marks and Spencer Christmas jumper has become a hit among female clergy, with some calling it the ‘Christmas clergy uniform’ of 2021. The £19.50 jumper is in M&S's Christmas clothing range. It is black and has the word ‘Believe’ written in bold colourful text on the front. Using the hashtag #TeamBelieve, female vicars and lay people have taken to social media sharing their pictures wearing the jumper on top of their clerical collar. 'Christmas jumper' was last week's top search on M&S.com.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 December 2021 21:20

Portugal thwarts moves to legalise euthanasia

For the second time in less than a year, President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has blocked an attempt to make it legal for Portuguese doctors to kill their patients. The latest version of the Bill, approved by members of the National Assembly was judged to be too radical by the Roman Catholic president and returned to them unsigned. De Sousa said, If ‘fatal disease’ was no longer a prerequisite for ‘medically assisted death’, he considered the bill to be out of step with ‘the values of life and self-determination, in the context of Portuguese society’.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 December 2021 21:18

IJM success

Praise God for a recent conviction in a South Asia sex trafficking case from 2015. The International Justice Mission supported local authorities after they rescued a minor girl and arrested a trafficker. The police, judge and prosecutors were all sensitive to the victim throughout the trial and remained focused on securing justice - leading to a strong ten-year sentence. IJM said, ‘We are so grateful for compassionate authorities helping protect thousands of girls from being abused’.

Published in Praise Reports