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Asking permission to preach was necessary for Leonardo. Not asking could result in death from Colombian guerrillas or paramilitaries. Pastors are obstacles to guerrillas’ political ambitions, as young Christians are no longer attracted to their violent lifestyles. One Sunday gangs stopped him outside the church saying, ‘Today no church preaching!’ So with a speaker and microphone he preached outdoors to young boys. Very quickly his outdoor church grew to 70 adults and 53 children. Most had never heard the gospel, but they soon found faith in Christ and were baptised. Now Leonardo is training several others to preach. It is dangerous to share the gospel so openly, but he knows God is with him.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 04 November 2022 04:20

Responding to tragedy

Yuriy Kulakevych, a leader in the Ukrainian Pentecostal Church, says Ukraine’s churches were the first to respond when Putin attacked. While the government scrambled to mobilise defences, it was churches that began evacuating civilians from combat zones, offering them shelter in church buildings and members’ homes. Within two weeks, many churches had exhausted their funds buying gas to transport refugees and food to feed them. With trusting relationships already forged, existing financial agreements allowed the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) to transfer money directly to the churches and ministries in Ukraine, while many organisations were still arranging logistics. By the fourth week of the war, the WEA had provided $210,000 to Ukrainian church networks. The WEA is a church-focused alliance with a vision beyond the immediate relief efforts. They want to come alongside and strengthen the Evangelical communities in Ukraine and other countries as they serve people affected by the war.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 04 November 2022 04:19

Practising hospitality

While volunteering at our church’s free clothes closet, I interact with our visitors who struggle to put food on the table, pay rent or purchase basic needs. Although some of our shoppers allow their situations to define their lives, others share their stories of God’s grace. They express gratitude for our ministry and the ministries of others in our community. While volunteering recently, I met a woman who wasn’t just a recipient of our ministry. She volunteers to help others in need, sorting clothes, organising racks, and assisting shoppers. She admits she hasn’t always made the right choices but knows she can’t make it through life without her Saviour and Lord. She relies on our church’s hospitality while boldly sharing her stories of how God is working in her life.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 28 October 2022 12:32

Police apologise to evangelist

There's been another win for the Christian Legal Centre as Hatun Tash was awarded £10,000 and given an apology by the Met Police over two arrests that took place at Speakers' Corner, the home of free speech. The evangelist frequently witnesses to Muslims and in July 2021 was brutally stabbed, with no one yet charged. The apology concerns two other incidents, when Hatun was arrested despite her peaceful behaviour. Her story was covered in the Times on October 21st See

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 28 October 2022 12:31

Aid to Ukraine will not be stopped

The UN and humanitarians have delivered aid to more people in the retaken areas, reaching 13.4 million people across Ukraine since the end of February. Despite the escalation of hostilities and challenges of helping millions of Ukrainians prepare for winter, Humanitarian Coordinator Denise Brown pledged that aid will not stop.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 28 October 2022 12:30

Two more former Chibok schoolgirls found

Boko Haram abducted 276 Christian girls from Chibok School in 2014. Girls were whipped and forced into marriage. Some experienced mock executions for refusing to become Muslims. Yana and Rejoice, now young women with children of their own, were among the captives and were recently recovered with their children by the Nigerian Army. Yana Pogu has four children, two boys and twin girls. Rejoice Sanki has two children. They are undergoing medical examinations before being passed over to the care of the Borno government.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 20 October 2022 23:41

Iranian Christians released from prison

Naser Navard Goltapeh, 61 years old, has served nearly five years in Evin prison for ‘acting against national security with the intention to overthrow the regime’. Having been told on 17 October that he had been pardoned, he has now returned home. His ‘crime’ was running a house church. His conviction was a result of his alleged links to churches and Christian groups outside Iran. His requests for a retrial were rejected four times by the authorities. Evin prison is notorious for abuse and torture of prisoners. He was kept in solitary confinement for two months undergoing gruelling interrogation. Fariba Dalir was set free the following day. She had been sentenced to five years in prison for establishing an evangelical Christian house church. Their release comes in the midst of widespread anti-government protests. It is not known if their release is linked to the fire at the prison on 15 October.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 20 October 2022 23:39

Brickfields worker now a minister

Sarfraz wanted to reach Punjabis for Jesus. He worked stuffing balls of moist earth into moulds to make bricks. The gruelling work is done only by Christians, a religious minority discriminated against, doing menial work that nobody else wants. Extreme poverty means even children work in the brickyards. After work, Sarfraz shared the gospel door to door to convert the lost. He launched a church in his house, then rented a building to found a new denomination. He quit the brickfields and worked double shifts as a security guard to pay the teachers at the school he started. ‘We started small. Now we have great churches in different areas’, he says. ‘The children at our school are lucky. Children are our future. If we give them education, they will know who Jesus is. If they live the Bible, then they can understand what is written in the Bible. It is very special.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 October 2022 20:57

Media mission growth in Pakistan

Only four years ago, PAK7 international had a staff of three people, one in the UK and two in Pakistan. It is incredible to see what God has done. In 2022, through partners in Pakistan, they had 30 people working with them; by 6 October there were 19 more. While three of last year’s interns moved on to new pastures, all 22 of the media school graduates are starting their internship programme and joining eight small production teams, ready to learn and grow. Internship is excellent training for young Christian media professionals, and is now giving a voice to young Christians in Pakistan. They have an incredible opportunity to make great programmes which will change the lives of generations of young viewers. Today’s growth is vital for them as they step up production of high-quality Christian shows for their channel.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 October 2022 20:54

Avoiding employee burnout

Kintsugi Hope is a Christian charity making a difference to people’s mental wellbeing. 'Kintsugi' is a Japanese technique for repairing pottery with seams of gold. The word means 'golden joinery'. This repair makes the object more beautiful, unique indeed: Instead of hiding scars it makes a feature of them. Kintsugi Hope wants mental and emotional health to be understood in supportive communities where people grow and flourish,  and is warning churches and Christian organisations about the danger of employee burnout. Faith groups are especially susceptible to burnout: because people are highly motivated working for God, more pressure is put on them. Kintsugi Hope is offering employers training on the problem. Also the World Health Organisation has published its first ever mental health guidance to employers to help them avoid employee burnout, and a new NHS scheme will provide therapists for the workplace.

Published in Praise Reports