Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 05 January 2023 22:06

One million have found Jesus since 2017

Sean Dunn has brought one million young people to Christ through Groundwire by meeting young people through technology and opening their eyes to the Gospel message. Some youths look at their phones 100+ times a day. Encountering them where they gather is incredibly effective: using short video pieces that grab their interest, then using sites like JesusCares.com to point them toward Christ. Only a small percentage of this generation will regularly attend church, but the majority will not put down their phones. Sean said, ‘God gave us a strategy to use messaging that captures their attention and prompts them to ask the questions that will lead them in the right direction.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 08 December 2022 21:54

Victory for chaplain told to remove his cross

Derek Timms, chaplain at Solihull Marie Curie hospice, was told by the hospice’s senior chaplain to remove his small cross pin because it 'might offend' patients. Derek had worked at the hospice for four years, wearing his cross every day without any complaints. Yet the new senior chaplain told Derek he'd need 're-training' if he refused to remove it. With support from the Christian Legal Centre, Derek wrote to the Methodist minister to query the unreasonable request, which was then escalated to the regional office. In response, Marie Curie regional office offered unreserved apologies for the distress caused to him, confirming that there was no policy against wearing the cross.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 08 December 2022 21:50

Mission to bikers and misfits

When Sean, a preacher’s son, was stirred by the Sermon on the Mount, ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit’, it became God’s call for him to reach out to the margins of society. I Both in the UK and in other parts of the world, he launched God’s Squad motorcycle clubs, sharing the message of Christ with those whom many regard as misfits. It helped that Sean loved bikes himself. His mission widened to embrace the homeless and others struggling to make sense of life. Their ‘church’ Zack’s Place, named after the tax collector Jesus loved, is in a Swansea backstreet. Regulars are encouraged to pour out their troubles in a caring atmosphere where love and concern are demonstrated in more than words. Informal services are in a bar-style setting where meals are shared and spiritual food for thought is served.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 December 2022 21:54

UK: victory for street preachers

Cancer survivor John Dunn, who had served in the Special Forces, was interviewed under caution and subsequently summonsed by the police for alleged 'homophobic' behaviour after preaching on Swindon High Street. When his case went to court, the Crown Prosecution Service argued that parts of the Bible are 'abusive' and 'no longer appropriate in modern society'. The case was thrown out of court when the women making allegations against him ‘refused to engage with the case’. Another Swindon street preacher, Shaun O'Sullivan, who was arrested in March 2020, was also found not guilty of 'hate speech'. He found salvation in Christ after hearing the gospel preached by John, and has experienced radical transformation. They both said they will never give up preaching Christ on the streets. Hear how God has worked in both men's lives:

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 December 2022 21:50

DRCongo: despair into joy

‘People were getting sick and dying a lot,’ says Sango. ‘One of my children died from diarrhoea. We could not afford medical care, we sold our mattresses, plates and clothes to pay for medicine and had nothing left to sell. ‘Our children were often ill and couldn’t go to school so we didn’t have time to farm and lost the respect of our community. Our despair turned to joy when Tearfund came and taught the importance of good toilets and washing our hands to prevent diseases, including diarrhoea. We built our first family toilet with a hand washing device. It has been three months since anyone has been ill! We have time and strength to farm and we can eat three meals a day, not just one. Our children are back at school, and after we have harvested our next crop we will buy some clothes.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 24 November 2022 21:47

Qatar: World Cup players dedicate goals to God

Ecuador, one of four Latin American teams in the 2022 World Cup, is drawing attention not only for its impressive start to the tournament but also for the way the players are celebrating their goals. On 20 November former West Ham player Enner Valencia scored twice, securing the win against host team Qatar. Both goals were dedicated to God as the players came together to form a circle and fall to their knees before pointing and looking up to the sky to celebrate. It is understood most of the team’s players are Christians, with several videos on social media showing them praying before each match.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 24 November 2022 21:44

Letitia Wright talks about Jesus

BAFTA actress Letitia Wright, who has starred in Black Panther, Doctor Who, and Black Mirror, is also vocal about her faith in a devotional YouVersion Bible app. She posted about her faith on Instagram and has turned down certain roles in her career. In an interview, she explained how her faith sustains her in her career and that she had temporarily stopped acting for a few months to focus on God. She said that her faith in Christ has kept her alive, but some people advise her to keep it to herself. ‘I've had people tell me to stop talking about Jesus and to keep things private that the world may not agree with. I'm not trying to force anything on anyone. I'm sharing my truth because I probably wouldn't have been able to cope without Jesus. If someone saves you and brings light and love into your life, you want to share that, not hide it.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 17 November 2022 21:53

Bible translation accelerating

It has been another year of remarkable progress in Bible translation activity. Many areas of the work have seen significant acceleration. We see the favour and hand of God on translation projects and teams, enabling them to help create a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible. The number of language programmes that Bible translation teams are working on has seen its biggest leap on record, with new programmes starting at a rate of one per day. Also, Bibles and New Testaments have been launched at a rate of almost one per week. There is so much to be thankful for and be encouraged by. More people have God’s word in their language. More languages have a Bible than ever before. More languages have a New Testament than ever before. All this means that God’s word is available to millions of people in their own languages for the first time.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 17 November 2022 21:50

Tearfund: helping the needy

Tearfund works tirelessly to help communities escape the very worst effects of poverty and disaster. They believe that the same people facing these troubles also have the best ideas about the ways they can overcome them. So Tearfund listens and then helps people to utilise their resourcefulness and determination to overcome their circumstances. When disaster strikes, Tearfund and its local partners are usually already present, hard at work in those very places. They have been responding to emergencies since 1968, working alongside local churches and Christian organisations wherever possible. They know the people, they know the problems and so often they can see simple, inexpensive solutions.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 10 November 2022 22:18

Pastor camps for a year on rooftop

Corey Brooks, founder of New Beginnings Church, is a leading voice in the fight against the violence gripping Chicago's poorest neighbourhoods. He camped on a makeshift rooftop for 365 days, raising over $20m for a new community centre. He said, ‘We talk about trying to remove violence, trying to remove poverty; this community centre will help people change their lives. Giving them a place to accept responsibility, start trying to do things for themselves and get on their feet. It's going to be a great place, teaching trades and business, giving counselling, a place for transformation.’ He braved wet, windy, cold nights and big storms; his mother died of cancer and his daughter welcomed a baby. He continued camping through it all.

Published in Praise Reports