Displaying items by tag: Praise

Friday, 10 March 2023 04:08

Iran: Christian converts released

Mehdi Rokhparvar, who was serving a five-year sentence for ‘acting against national security’ by ‘forming an illegal evangelical Christian group’, was released from Tehran’s Evin Prison in the same week as fellow convert Saheb Fadaie as part of a wider amnesty of prisoners on the occasion of the 44th anniversary of the Islamic Republic. However, such pardons, while welcome, do not address the original injustice of their sentencing and imprisonment as the government continues to regard rights and freedoms guaranteed in international law as crimes; including the right to freely adopt a religion of one’s choice, and manifest one’s faith in community with others.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 March 2023 20:42

Turkey testimonies

Aftershocks are still shaking the eastern Mediterranean as far as Iraq, following on from the severe earthquakes in southern Turkey and northern Syria which left over 50,000 dead and millions homeless. Amidst all the misery, death and destruction, we are hearing testimonies from people who were buried alive and rescued from the rubble after more than a week. They all experienced a bright figure in white who came towards them and gave them something to drink.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 March 2023 20:40

Noah is hit by revival

Noah was a Christian student at Morehead University who heard about the Asbury revival. On 11 February, when his roommate suggested they go to Asbury, he declined. ‘No, I’m going to use today to rest, fast, and pray.’ But later, God reminded him that Jesus' disciples didn’t fast and pray while he was alive, but told them that when he was no longer there, then they would fast and pray (Luke 5:33-35). He sensed that God said, ‘You can always fast for me, but you will not always have this experience of what I’m doing at this campus’. Noah called out to his roommate, ‘I changed my mind. I’m going.’ When they entered the packed auditorium the worship leader was saying, ‘We’re not playing worship music to fit people’s needs, we’re playing worship music that honours God - that is for Jesus.’ The experience changed Noah. ‘God is more real, there is a deeper revelation, and the fear of the Lord increased over my life.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 February 2023 22:26

Asbury fire of revival spreading

Last week we praised God for the revival fires burning at Asbury University, and now this outpouring of the Holy Spirit is spreading. CBN News reported that for days, people have been giving testimonies, reading scripture, worshipping God, and praying in the ongoing revival that began on 8 February. Four auditoriums on the campus are now filled with people. Graduates, pastors, seekers, and busloads of students from over 24 other universities began visiting Asbury, seeking God. The wave of revival fire shows no signs of stopping. Lee Christian University Campus caught the fire next. By 23 February reports were coming in from colleges and universities across the nation fully igniting into spontaneous worship, prayer, and repentance as the Holy Spirit continues to fill students' hearts and minds. Christian leaders are speaking about the timing and what it could mean for this point in history. Also this outpouring coincides with the national Collegiate Day of Prayer on 23 February.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 February 2023 22:23

South Dakota ‘help not harm’ act

South Dakota signed into law a bill that prohibits healthcare professionals from using drugs, hormones or surgery to alter the appearance of the sex of a minor. Under the Help Not Harm Act, healthcare professionals who violate the law will lose their professional licence or certificate. If they have already begun a course of treatment on a minor, that treatment must stop. If immediate termination of the treatment would harm the minor, the treatment may be ‘systematically reduced,’ and must end by 31 December 2023. The Institute for Research and Evaluation of Scientific Evidence stated, ‘Cross-sex medical treatments are not beneficial to children. There is evidence of harmful impact, and gender dysphoria in children usually goes away on its own by young adulthood, if “transition” is not encouraged. This avoids the harmful effects of such interventions.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 16 February 2023 23:48

USA: a ‘surprising work of God’

‘The choir sang the final chorus, then something happened that defies description. Students didn’t leave, they continued worshipping. I teach theology across the street. When I heard about this I went to the chapel to see for myself. I found hundreds of students singing quietly, praising and praying earnestly for themselves, their neighbours and our world; repenting for sin and interceding for healing, wholeness, peace, and justice. Some were reading and reciting Scripture. Others were standing with arms raised, or clustered in small groups praying. Some were kneeling at the altar rail. Some were lying prostrate, others were talking together, their faces bright with joy. When I returned in the evening they were still worshipping. By Thursday midmorning hundreds were filling the chapel again. Then students began arriving from other universities. Asbury Chapel continues in waves of prayer, worship, and gut-wrenching public confession. It was a significant and spontaneous move of the Spirit. What a phenomena to witness. Come, Holy Spirit.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 16 February 2023 23:45

Over 2,100 freed from trafficking and bonded labour

Over 700 people in one South Asian district were brought to freedom from trafficking by IJM-trained police at the end of 2022. The runup to a new year is the riskiest time for low-income workers. As industries begin recruiting people for manual labour, human traffickers deceive people with false job offers and trap them in slavery. But police officers intercepted 65 traffickers at train and bus stations as they waited to transport families to abusive businesses. Also, a government initiative brought freedom to over 1,400 children last month when police conducted an expert sweep of businesses to find children forced to work in bonded labour and hundreds more in other dangerous conditions. The authorities also arrested hundreds of suspected abusers.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 10 February 2023 00:13

Brave Laos evangelists

A Christian Aid worker in Laos visited persecuted Christians in areas where no one would go. His activities challenged the authorities, and they arrested him for ‘illegal movement of religion’. In prison he feared he would die. Prisoners relieved themselves on the floor, and people died of starvation. But he kept praying and thinking about the ministry’s radio messages of encouragement. He was freed after two months. He was told to stop telling people about Christ, but his faith was irrepressible, and he boldly continued. A Laotian lady heard about Christ through the ministry’s radio broadcasts. Her husband and relatives threatened her constantly for converting, but eventually they all accepted Christ. Her home is now a house church for fifty Christians, and her husband is an elder of the church. Elsewhere police came to shut down a new house church which a pastor was dedicating. He continued the dedication despite their threats.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 10 February 2023 00:11

Jury rejects government intimidation

Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck was raided by 15 to 20 armed federal agents banging on his door in the early hours of the morning. They treated Mark like a terrorist. This massive show of force sparked fierce criticism and questions about whether the Biden administration was using the FBI for political purposes ahead of a heated election. His appearance in court was demanded in the case of United States of America v Mark Houck. He faced up to 11 years in prison and a $350,000 fine as the government claimed a violation took place. Houck vehemently disagreed, saying they were arresting Catholic protestors like terrorists. When the ‘Not guilty’ verdict was announced his supporters in the courtroom wept tears of relief. They had taken on Goliath - the full might of the American government - and won. They later prayed outside the federal courthouse, thanking God for being with them in spirit and truth.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 February 2023 23:20

Creative charity ideas

A pop-up ‘Charity Super.Mkt’ staffed by volunteers will be open for a month at Brent Cross shopping centre. It will sell donated clothing supplied by ten UK charities, including Barnardo's and Cancer Research. It comes as second-hand fashion is gaining in popularity amid the rising cost of living and a higher demand for sustainable shopping. It is hoped this will help to change the way people think about second-hand fashion. 65% of people across the UK wear second-hand clothes at least once a week. See Meanwhile in Devon churches have launched a mobile foodbank. The YUM Project (You + Us = More) will run from a converted minibus to reach people who find it hard to access current food support schemes in a fixed location. It includes a social supermarket as well as a foodbank. The service will operate five days a week across Torbay using church car parks and community centres.

Published in Praise Reports