Displaying items by tag: NHS

Richard Page has won permission to appeal his removal as a non-executive director of an NHS trust where he worked. He was removed from the bench as a magistrate for his belief that a child is better served by having a mother and a father. At the time, he was also serving an NHS trust as a non-executive director, but because he spoke out in the media about his pro-family beliefs, he was then suspended from his role and was blocked from restarting it. He had successfully served the NHS for 20 years as a director of finance, keeping them within budget. A panel concluded it was not in the interests of the health service for him to serve as an NHS director, as his views would be ‘likely to have a negative impact on the confidence of staff, patients and the public’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 06 July 2018 04:36

NHS preparing for no-deal Brexit

The NHS is preparing to stockpile medicines and equipment to ensure hospitals can function after a no-deal Brexit. Simon Stevens, the health service CE, said there was 'immediate planning' around the Department for Health and in hospitals about 'securing medical supply' under different scenarios to ensure there was enough medicine. It is 'top of the list' of contingency planning that would be implemented once the state of the deal 'crystallised' in the autumn. Whitehall realises that with no replacement for EU medical agencies, hospitals could run out of drugs and other supplies within weeks. Mr Stevens told the BBC's Andrew Marr that hospitals would be ‘ready for whatever situation emerges’. Pray for patients, the NHS and the UK’s life science industry to have workable regulatory arrangements in place and be fit for purpose for a smooth transition. Pray also for cross-border communications in medical research and development.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 06 July 2018 04:28

Scotland- drug deaths at record high

Drug deaths have reached their worst level in Scotland since records began, (934 in 2017). Statistics show Scotland's drug death-rate is roughly two and half times the UK rate and ‘massively worse’ than anywhere in Europe. The official ‘Drug-related deaths’ paper shows methadone, the heroin substitute, was present in nearly half of all deaths. Methadone is prescribed by the NHS to keep people off drugs! Annie Wells, the Scottish public health spokesperson, said, ‘ We need a radical and urgent drugs strategy, not one that waves the white flag in the face of drug-dealers and those who profit from this despicable industry, but one that gets tough on the issue. We need to help vulnerable people beat the habit once and for all, not park them on methadone just to watch them die from that very substance years later.’ Pray for God to inspire ministers to implement a successful, revitalised substance use strategy.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 June 2018 00:10

The cannabis debate

Cannabis plants contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which affects minds and moods. While giving a ‘chilled out’ feeling, it can also cause hallucinations, paranoia and long term psychosis. The risk of schizophrenia is higher when used by younger people as THC interferes with the still-growing brain. Cannabis also contains cannabidiol (CBD), which shows promising results for reducing seizures in children with severe epilepsy. Caring for a person suffering epileptic seizures is heartbreaking, and can be frightening if a seizure is prolonged and leads to status. Status happens when one seizure follows another without the person recovering in between. Severe seizures can cause brain damage. Pray for God to give peace and strength to families currently caring for a person experiencing epilepsy. Pray for God to inspire MPs to make rapid, accurate decisions regarding the use of CBD.

Published in British Isles

Documents used to investigate the deaths at Gosport Hospital have revealed that 456 people died from the staff practice of prescribing too many painkillers without medical justification. An additional 200 patients were ‘probably’ similarly affected between 1989 and 2000. The inquiry, led by Rt Rev James Jones, did not ascribe criminal or civil liability for the deaths. He said that a number of nurses raised concerns about prescribing diamorphine. Their warnings went unheeded, the opportunity to rectify the practice was lost, deaths resulted, and 22 years later it had become necessary to hold an inquiry to discover the truth of what happened. Health secretary Jeremy Hunt said that a catalogue of failings had been identified, and apologised to the grieving families. Hampshire’s chief constable said that police would assess any new information contained in the report,, and consult their partners in health and the Crown Prosecution Service in order to decide the next steps.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 June 2018 23:27

NHS visa rules relaxed

You recently prayed for a change in visa rules regarding trained medical staff because they were not working in the best interests of NHS patients. The Home Office has now decided that foreign doctors and nurses will be excluded from the government's visa cap. This will be a huge relief for NHS trusts across the country, which have been really struggling to fill their doctor and nurse vacancies. Some believe that Home Secretary Sajid Javid’s latest move could indicate a new direction for immigration policy post-Brexit.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 13 April 2018 04:43

Humanist Hospital Chaplains

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has appointed a team of atheist priests after demand for pastoral support from patients with no religion. These ‘Clerics’ will be working under a non-religious chaplain for the first time in NHS history. Humanist Lindsay van Dijk was appointed head chaplain at Stoke Mandeville Hospital after a British Social Attitudes survey found 53% of Britons had no religion. Ms van Dijk told a meeting at Stoke Mandeville Hospital that the chaplaincy team will visit patients to lend a listening ear, provide ‘spiritual’ and emotional support and won’t specifically say ‘I’m from this faith’.  She said that in her new role she has experienced 'mostly curiosity' rather than objections. Pray for the church to declare more loudly that Christian Chaplains support for hospital patients is for those of all faiths and none and that putting a humanist in charge of a chaplaincy team takes us further away from the NHS’s Christian roots.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 February 2018 10:52

Doctor-assisted suicide

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) recently called for doctor-assisted dying to be legalised, ‘to reflect public support’. They said assisted suicide works well in other countries. However, there are increasing reports of involuntary euthanasia in countries like Belgium and the Netherlands, and euthanasia is being extended to minor and non-life-threatening conditions. Consequently the elderly and vulnerable are now fearful of going into hospital. In the UK, doctors are said to be 2:1 against the legalisation of assisted suicide. However a poll on the BMJ website asking whether doctor-assisted dying should be legalised claimed that 59% voted Yes and 41% No. It is possible that this figure was manipulated to produce the desired result; some responders voting No were told their vote was not accepted due to a technical hitch. Activists are calling for doctor-assisted dying to become legal for those with six months to live, even though it is difficult to predict life expectancy.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 February 2018 10:46

Children allowed to make life-changing decisions

On 1 January a petition calling for the banning of medical intervention to change gender surgically or medically by hormones for people below the age of 18 was sent to the Department of Health and Social Care. Responding to the petition on 20 February, the department appears not to have changed its policy, stating that a person under 16 is competent to give valid consent to a particular intervention if they have sufficient intelligence to enable them to understand fully what is proposed. There are no such sentiments when it comes to protecting under-18s from making choices they might in the future regret with regard to purchasing tobacco and alcohol; also, sex under the age of 16 remains a criminal offence.

Published in British Isles

Following the proposal by the NHS for a new form of prenatal screening, Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), for women ‘at high risk' of having a child with Down's syndrome, Prayer Alert readers prayed for the General Synod to call for regulation on providers of this screening. See The Synod members have now affirmed that they welcome medical advances, but are also calling for the Government and health professionals to ensure that women whose unborn child has Down's syndrome are given comprehensive and unbiased information about it. They added that people with this condition should be welcomed, celebrated and treated with dignity and respect.

Published in Praise Reports