Displaying items by tag: Environment

Friday, 12 January 2018 11:37

Scotland: battle over fracking

Petrochemicals giant Ineos is taking SNP ministers to court, to overturn their ‘unlawful’ fracking ban. The SNP faces a protracted legal fight, potentially spending millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money, to keep Scotland free of fracking. In England, there are currently ten more fracking applications. Global fracking is driven by the depletion of fossil fuels, leading to the exploitation of increasingly harder-to-extract resources that can have a damaging effect on communities. Evidence (increasingly hard to ignore) from the USA, Canada, and Australia, where tens of thousands of wells have already been drilled, is that fracking destroys water supplies, air quality, and people’s health. Beyond these issues lurk local and regional impacts like ‘orphaned wells’ (abandoned wells sending toxic pollutants into the environment). It is believed that financially successful UK fracking would require tens of thousands of wells to be drilled. See also the previous article, on Cleaner greener Britain, and

Published in British Isles
Friday, 12 January 2018 11:12

Nigeria: environmental threat to families

Caught in a Niger Delta downpour, a woman runs for shelter. The plastic bottles of homemade petrol she was selling are beaten off their wooden perch by the heavy rain. The smell of petrol rises from the ground and hangs in the air before being washed down a lane past small concrete houses. There is little research into human health issues from exposure to oil spills on land. Oil seeps into the soil, the air and the water table, releasing harmful chemicals like benzene and toluene. Benzene is a poison, while toluene can cause kidney and liver damage. ‘Our farming area is always deep with oil, when you go there you can recognise the odour,’ says Chief Bira Saturday. He has suffered from asthma since a spill. ‘The doctor said it was the odour of this oil that we are breathing that damaged the baby in my womb’, his wife added.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 31 March 2017 11:15

Fracking in the UK

Anti-fracking activists placed adverts in Leeds bus-stops stating that thousands of gallons of fracking fluid could be headed for the city. This overnight action was part of a national ‘Break the Chain’ fortnight, which also saw protesters suspended by swings above a quarry in Carnforth for eleven hours and residents walking 120 miles in an area where a fracking licence was granted. Lancashire and Yorkshire are concerned that wastewater from potential fracking sites could enter local treatment works. This week 250 people attended a protest rally near the UK's first horizontal fracking site, and earlier this month the Government was taken to court about its permitting Cuadrilla to test fracking sites in the UK. On Monday Nottinghamshire planning officers will publish recommendations for another shale gas well.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 13 January 2017 07:22

The Church and the environment

It is ten years since the Church Times announced its first Green Church Awards. Since then, there have been great advances in scientific understanding and public awareness of environmental issues. Internationally, the new Paris Agreement was ratified in November, with 117 countries signing up. Domestically, recycling is far commoner than it was, and it is now possible to subscribe to clean-energy suppliers. However, globally the outlook is not good, with sixteen increasingly hot years damaging the natural environment and a number of influential voices still denying that there is a problem. The Church needs to play a greater part in this. Its national and global reach put it in a position to influence large numbers of people, even governments and power-brokers. But if its voice is to be heard, its own house must be in order. Fortunately, recent messages coming from the Pope and other faith leaders show how care for God’s planet and our common home is a priority around the world. Organisations such as A Rocha are leading the way in highlighting the issues, and around the country there are thousands of groups and individuals working sacrificially to change the climate - and the climate of opinion.

Published in British Isles
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