Displaying items by tag: EU

Thursday, 19 July 2018 23:22

Pray for Dominic Raab

Dominic Raab, the UK’s new Brexit secretary, is settling into his new job. We can pray for all his conversations to be directed and strengthened by heaven. May Mr Barnier adopt encouraging tones with Mr Raab as they work towards signing off the remaining 20% of the withdrawal agreement between the EU and UK. Pray for Mr Raab’s mantle of authority to be strengthened by God, ensuring his voice is heard clearly above all other voices within the European Commission. As he faces questions and negotiations around UK’s exit, may he have eloquence and clarity on every detail. Ask God to anoint him with a double portion of grace and strength to deliver UK’s parliamentary decisions and amendments. We can pray for the decisions made in future meetings to be in line with God’s purposes for our nations, as politicians’ thoughts and words come into line with heaven’s wisdom.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 21 June 2018 23:58

EU: plans for Britons in Europe post-Brexit

Home secretary Sajid Javid, after unveiling a new ID scheme for EU citizens living in Britain, has called on EU leaders to publish concrete plans to preserve the rights of British citizens living on the continent post-Brexit. He is concerned that other EU member states have not stated how they are going to support Britons in Europe, when the Government has advanced plans for a new status for the estimated 3.4 million EU citizens living in the UK. The European parliament’s chief Brexit coordinator, Guy Verhofstadt, said there were ‘serious concerns’ over all citizens impacted and affected by Brexit. ‘British in Europe’ complained last week that they represented the forgotten victims of Brexit, with neither Brussels nor London taking up their fight to retain their rights to maintain free movement and continue to work freely and offer services across the continent. The ‘right of return’ to the UK without any immigration barriers was also raised.

Published in Europe
Friday, 11 May 2018 10:39

Brexit: peers call for UK to remain in EEA

The House of Lords, by 245 votes to 218, has voted for the UK effectively to remain in the EU's single market after Brexit, even though neither the government nor the Labour leadership backed the move. Ministers warned that staying in the European Economic Area (EEA) would not give the UK ‘control of our borders or our laws’. The issue will now return to the Commons, where pro-EU MPs said they were hopeful of getting the support needed to prevent the changes being overturned. Under what is known as the ‘Norway model’ (Norway is one of three countries outside the EU which belong to the EEA) free movement laws would also apply, so that EU citizens could move to all EEA countries to work and live. The government's Brexit bill also suffered a series of other defeats in the Lords.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:11

Brexit talks on Irish border

At the time of writing Brexit talks are continuing between the EU and British officials. Time is limited to solve the Irish border issue, with just four more rounds of meetings scheduled before the summit. Pray for David Davis and Olly Robbins leading the negotiations for the UK and Sabine Weyand, Michel Barnier’s deputy, negotiating for the EU. Brussels wants the whole withdrawal agreement, including citizens’ rights, the financial settlement, transition period, and Northern Ireland border to be agreed by the October meeting of the European Council, so that they can be scrutinised and approved by the European parliament. DUP leader Arlene Foster accused Mr Barnier of not understanding the Unionist position on the border.

Published in Europe
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:53

Russian threat to global democracy

Theresa May is warning leaders of Russia’s threat to all democracies; Russia has ‘shown itself to be a strategic enemy not a strategic partner’. Mrs May believes that although the attempted assassination of the Skripals took place on UK soil, the Russian threat does not respect borders and it places all nations at risk, adding, ‘As a European democracy, the UK will stand shoulder to shoulder with the EU and Nato members to face these threats together. United, we will succeed.’ Whitehall stressed the response to the Salisbury attack was carefully calibrated to remain within the law, and the UK was not looking for huge confrontations with Russia or regime change. The US, UK, France and Germany recently signed up to a very strong and uncompromising statement, and the prime minister is now using blunt language to the world and to the rest of EU member states.

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Friday, 02 March 2018 11:16

Brexit: EU and UK plans for NI

Theresa May’s post-Brexit plans for Northern Ireland to be under the same rules and regulations as the rest of the UK and to leave the EU customs union were challenged in the EU’s 120-page draft withdrawal agreement that includes Northern Ireland in a future customs union. The draft requires checks on goods coming in from the UK; in order for this to happen, single market legislation will also apply. The EU plan would create a border through the Irish Sea, which the UK will not accept. Michel Barnier challenged May to offer something different. The DUP is propping up the UK Government; some believe one wrong decision could see their support withdrawn. Boris Johnson said that the Northern Ireland border row is being used to frustrate Brexit, and there were ‘very good solutions’ to avoid the need for a hard border. Pray for the UK’s future to be directed by God’s Spirit, prompting MPs in all decisions they make.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 January 2018 10:09

Who are the presidents of the European Union?

The three institutions of the EU are Parliament (EP), Council (EC), and Commission. The EP president, Antonio Tajani, presides over the debates and activities of parliament, along with fourteen vice-presidents, and represents parliament internationally. Donald Tusk is president of the EC, that is all EU heads of state. He is its representative on the world stage, attends summits, and represents the consensus view of the EU states. He also chairs meetings of heads of state. The president of the Commission, currently Jean-Claude Juncker, allocates portfolios to the commissioners, who are nominated by their home countries. The EU Council, where legislation is discussed, is led by the country holding the six-month rotating presidency, currently Bulgaria.

Published in Europe
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Friday, 15 December 2017 11:38

Finland: monitoring Palestinian education

EU officials supervise and fund the Palestinian Authority (PA) education system. A series of Helsinki talks examined the new PA curriculum and agreed that the new textbooks stir up further radicalisation and hatred. They concluded that radicalisation is persistent throughout the curriculum, grooming children for martyrdom and jihad war, with a fundamentalist worldview. ‘This curriculum is not only a catastrophe for Palestinian youth but also for the reputation of the Finnish education system, as the curriculum was reviewed under the supervision of Finnish experts and officials,’ said the spokesperson for the EU consultations. An elementary mathematics book asks, ‘If the number of martyrs from the first intifada is X and the number of martyrs from the second intifada is Y, what is the total number of martyrs?’ In basic physics, Newton’s law of gravity is explained by a picture of a young Palestinian aiming a slingshot at an Israeli officer. See

Published in Europe
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:44

Intercessor Focus: Brexit and Ireland

The problems over the Irish border dispute seem to have been resolved, after intense negotiations between London, Brussels, Dublin and Belfast. We can pray for God to bless everyone powerfully with the wisdom and discernment needed to bring about His purposes in all future discussions. May each nation prosper and flourish in its different Christian heritage. Pray that the UK will prosper as a result of what is negotiated in the days to come. Pray for Ireland, Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK to be in unity and not divided; pray for Stormont, Scotland’s parliament, and the Welsh assembly to work in co-operation with Westminster; pray for God to be the author of all lawmaking, boundaries and borders.

(Linda Digby – Prayer Alert Team)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 13 October 2017 12:51

Proposals for new deal with the EU

In a statement to MPs, Theresa May called for a ‘unique and ambitious economic partnership’ with the EU after Brexit. ‘Progress will not always be smooth’, she said, but the UK can ‘prove the doomsayers wrong’. Following her speech in Florence, when she gave assurances on payments to the EU and citizens' rights, she said the ball is now in the EU court. Her statement came as the fifth round of negotiations began in Brussels, the final set of talks before EU leaders meet on 19 October to decide if enough progress has been made to enable them to move forward and talk about post-Brexit trade relations with the UK. Two white papers, covering future trade and customs options, are being published (see next article). Justice minister Dominic Raab said that while the UK had to ‘strive for the very best Brexit outcome’, it must also ‘prepare for all eventualities’. ‘No-deal Brexit planning is under way'.

Published in British Isles
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