
Displaying items by tag: Asia

Thursday, 01 August 2019 17:26

Christians persecuted in 3 of 4 nations globally

'Have been harassed in more countries than any other religious group'

There are some 197 countries around the world.

And in 144 of them, Christians are persecuted, according to a report commissioned by the British government.

There is widespread evidence showing that “today, Christians constitute by far the most widely persecuted religion,” the report said.

It found that “Christians have been harassed in more countries than any other religious group and have suffered harassment in many of the heavily Muslim countries of the Middle East and North Africa.”

There are some 245 million Christians living in the top 50 countries for persecution and they suffer “high levels” or worse. Previously, only one country, North Korea, was classified as having “extreme” persecution. Now there are 11 countries.

Turkish journalist Uzay Bulut, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, noted “persecution against Christians and other non-Muslims is not about the ethnicity, race or skin color of either the perpetrators or the victims; it is about their religion.”

In Africa, he said, “various Islamist groups and individuals are attacking and attempting to annihilate Christians for being Christian. If these crimes are not stopped, it is highly likely that the fate of the African Continent will be like that of the Middle East: Once it was a majority-Christian region; now, Christians are a tiny, dying, defenseless minority.”

The British report is the “Bishop of Truro’s Independent Review for the Foreign Secretary of FCO Support for Persecuted Christians.”

The FCO is the nation’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

The bishop, the Rt. Rev. Philip Mounstephen, explained: “The Independent Review was announced at Christmas and this Interim Report is published in the Easter season. Both of these great festivals remind us that weakness and vulnerability are at the heart of the Christian faith. Jesus Christ was born into poverty and laid in a feeding-trough. He died as a victim of persecution himself. Given that, it is hardly surprising that many of his followers today count among the weakest and most vulnerable people on the planet. It is to them, to their needs and to their support, that this Interim Report is dedicated.”

He wrote that in addition to Christians being the most targeted, “the evidence suggests that acts of violence and other intimidation against Christians are becoming more widespread.”

The report said that “in some regions, the level and nature of persecution is arguable coming close to meeting the international definition of genocide.”

It said the “eradication of Christians and other minorities on pain of ‘the sword’ or other violent means was revealed to be the specific and stated objective of extremist groups in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, northeast Nigeria and the Philippines.”

“An intent to erase all evidence of the Christian presence was made plain by the removal of crosses, the destruction of church buildings and church symbols,” the report said.

“The killing and abduction of clergy represented a direct attack on the church’s structure and leadership. Where these and other incidents meet the tests of genocide, governments will be required to bring perpetrators to justice, aid victims and take preventative measures for the future.”

Christianity, in fact, “now faces the possibility of being wiped out in parts of the Middle East where its roots go back further. In Palestine, Christian numbers are below 1.5 percent, in Syria the Christian population has declined from 1.7 million in 2011 to below 450,000 and in Iraq, Christian numbers have slumped from 1.5 million before 2003 to below 120,000 today.”

In some parts of the world, “extrajudicial killings and the enforced and involuntary disappearance of Christians are also widespread,” the report said.

Bulut cited the destruction of a Christian school by Muslims in Uganda, a church in Niger burned by Muslims and terror attacks in Burkina Faso that left 29 Christians dead.

In one incident, the assailants “asked the Christians to convert to Islam but the pastor and the others refused.”

“They ordered them to gather under a tree and took their Bibles and mobile phones. Then they called them, one after the other, behind the church building where they shot them dead.”

He said that terrorist groups are not the only sources of persecution in Africa as many Muslim governments and individuals also target Christians.

We must pray for our Indian brethren, asking God to preserve the faith in a subcontinent where it is every bit as native as that which seeks to drive it out.

Article by WND

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Thursday, 01 August 2019 17:25

Pakistan: Prayer Update

Pray for something so big and dramatic to happen in Pakistan that can only be explained by it being the work of God.

Missionary Visas

Missionaries are still being thrown out of the country, even some that have visas are losing them.  Pray this situation will be resolved.   Muslim leaders from Pakistan have no trouble getting permission to come to the USA.

Tribal Praise Report

Two visiting Korean doctors were on a medical outreach to a tribal area.  As the doctors were overwhelmed, the people began coming to the church workers saying, "We know your God heals. Will you pray for us?"  It became a tremendous time of ministry as they were able to tell them that it is the power of Jesus working when they are healed.  Many openly said, " We are so worried about our physical health and our spiritual needs. Now we know that Jesus can take care of both, we can come to Him."

Meeting between Pakistan and the USA

Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, is to visit the USA July 16 - 18.  He will meet with President Trump on the 17th.  Pray for good meetings with President Trump who has made some pretty strong statements against Pakistan since he came into office.  Some were justified particularly with the former Government, and covert, tactical support of some terrorist groups, but this all has taken a terrible toll on the people of Pakistan.

On 9/11 almost 3000 persons were killed. About 6000 US troops have been killed in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has lost 35,000 military between 2001 and 2011, and 40,000 are missing in action.  Civilian casualties started at 30,000 and is climbing rapidly to three or four times that.  The war on terrorism in Pakistan still continues.  The fallout on the economy in Pakistan has been drastic.  For example, a huge number of Pakistani refugees are being moved from one place to another and there is the care of over 400,000 Afghan refugees living in Pakistan that the government has had to care for, with the assistance of International Aid groups.

There are some who have gained from this war, but Pakistan has paid a terrible price.

God is the author of peace.  This will come as we intercessors PRAY.


More at:

Pray: Russian and China and now the US are beginning to understand that peace in Afghanistan cannot come without the help of Pakistan.

Pray: May the right decisions be made.  It is not wrong, from the Taliban perspective, for the Taliban to lie to gain an upper hand.  May Pres. Trump have good advisors.

Pray: PM Imran Khan is working hard to bring peace within his own country.

Pray: Pres. Trump also wants to see a lasting peace in this part of the world.

Pray: Pray for Christians who are suffering the most from this.

Thursday, 01 August 2019 17:24

IRAN: Believers targeted amid US-Iran tensions

Iran (MNN) — Tensions rise between the United States and Iran amid sanctions, threats, and fights over missiles, nuclear deals, oil stores, and shipping routes.

Last week, Iran tested ballistic missiles as the U.S. worked with allies to safeguard ships in the Strait of Hormuz. According to Middle East Monitor, Russia predicts “full-scale armed conflict” in the region.

Unfortunately, these sky-high political tensions have led to a crackdown within Iran, explains Heart 4 Iran’s Mike Ansari. “In the last few weeks, [the] Iranian government has announced the arrest of multiple Iranian citizens who were allegedly CIA spies,” he says.

“In light of the recent sanctions, Iranian authorities are increasing the pressure on Western governments to loosen up the restrictions imposed on Iran.”

Authorities often target believers for accusation and arrest.

Life for believers inside Iran

Earlier this year, Open Doors USA placed Iran at #9 on its World Watch List – a ranking of 50 nations where following Christ is most difficult. By law, Christians cannot share their faith with non-Christians. Believers from a Muslim background face the most oppression because Islamic law governs Iran; society views converts as apostates.

“In Iran, conversion from Islam to Christianity – known as apostasy – is strictly forbidden. In fact, Iranian religious rulers have publicly advocated for the death penalty as a punishment for apostasy,” Ansari explains.

“When a Muslim converts to Christianity, they are warned, persecuted, [sometimes] arrested, and their belongings are confiscated.”

For converts who leave Iran, return could mean imprisonment and severe persecution. “Case in point – Mrs. Fatemeh Azad, a 58-year-old Iranian convert to Christianity who fled Iran, sought refuge in Germany, but was denied asylum and deported back to Iran,” Ansari describes.

“Upon her return, she was arrested and released on bail.”

As reported here by International Christian Concern:

When Fatemeh made her asylum appeal, her lawyers argued that apostasy (conversion away from Islam) is punishable by the death penalty in Iran. This penalty has not been issued in Iran for several years, in large part thanks to international pressure. However, Iran regularly imprisons converts for years. Christians are commonly charged with “acting against national security” and can face a prison sentence of up to 15 years with this charge.

“The Iranian Christian community in diaspora is concerned with the safety and well-being of Mrs. Azad while she resides in Iran,” Ansari says.

How to help

Mrs. Azad’s case represents a larger challenge, he adds. That’s an urgent matter for which you can pray.

“The real concern for Mrs. Azad is that Iranian authorities may use her as a pawn to not only instil fear in the heart of their own people but challenge the international community on human rights and religious freedom in Iran.”

Ask the Lord to comfort and encourage Fatemeh Azad during her imprisonment. Pray for her safety, Ansari requests, and “pray for the multitude of Iranian refugees who have legitimately fled Iran and can’t go back.”

Heart4Iran partners with over 100 groups to bring the love and hope of Jesus Christ to the people of Iran.

Reporting by Katey Hearth for Mission Network News

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Pray: For the safety and freedom of Mrs. Fatemeh Azad and many others in a similar situation to practice their faith.
Pray: That she will not be used as a pawn within Iran or internationally.
Pray: For those working to represent Mrs Azad and other Christians who face persecution in their home countries.

Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:18

Israel: Iran recruiting spies via social media

On 24 July Shin Bet (the Israeli security agency) reported that Iran has been trying to recruit a wide network of agents in Israel via social networking sites. A joint Shin Bet / police / IDF statement said that their counter-terrorism operation has ‘foiled a recruiting network across Israel and the West Bank for the benefit of Iranian intelligence’. The recruits were asked to gather information on military bases, sensitive security installations, personnel, police stations, hospitals, and more intended targets for terrorist attacks by Iran. While the network was directed by Iran, it operated from Syria and was led by an individual known as Abu-Jihad, who contacted people by creating fictitious Facebook profiles and then speaking with them through messaging applications. In recent months, several other similar operations by Hezbollah and Hamas have been foiled by Israeli security agencies.
Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 July 2019 22:58

Saudi Arabia: US troops return after 16 years

In 2003 the Americans left Saudi Arabia, but now hundreds of American troops will deploy to an airbase outside Riyadh as tensions spike between Iran and its allies and the Trump administration and crown prince Mohammad bin Salman. The deployment of American troops in the kingdom was never popular with Saudis, and comes as their Arab allies desert the crown prince’s war in Yemen. Bringing the Americans back now underscores the king’s deep concern about the regional situation. The American violation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action last year, a move Riyadh encouraged, has set Washington and Tehran on a collision course. Iran cannot allow its oil exports to be curbed by sanctions. The government-controlled Saudi press has openly called for American military action in response to Iranian attacks on oil tankers.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 July 2019 22:47

South Korea: jets fire at Russian aircraft

South Korean F-15 fighter jets, sent to intercept a Russian surveillance plane, fired 360 machine-gun rounds to prevent it from entering the airspace over the disputed Dokdo/Takeshima islands, occupied by South Korea but claimed by Japan. Russia denied violating the airspace, saying two of its bombers carried out a planned drill with China over ‘neutral waters’, and denied any warning shots were fired by South Korean jets. Russian and Chinese bombers and reconnaissance planes have occasionally entered the zone in recent years, but now Japan has confirmed that its military has also deployed fighter jets in response to the Russian incursion. Because it claims sovereignty over the islands, Japan's government said that Russia had violated its airspace. It also said that South Korea's response was extremely regrettable.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 19 July 2019 11:13

Persian Gulf: Another oil tanker seized

Iran's state TV said on 18 July that the Revolutionary Guard had seized a foreign oil tanker with 12 crew members accused of smuggling one million litres of fuel in the Lark Island of the Persian Gulf. The guards said the vessel impounded was the same one it towed on the previous Sunday after it sent a distress call. The TV didn't identify the tanker or say which country the crew were from. There has been speculation earlier on the whereabouts of the Riah oil tanker, which sails under the Panama flag. At the time of writing it is not known whether the vessel towed by Iran was indeed the Riah. The US expressed suspicion that the Riah had been seized in Iranian territorial waters. US General Kenneth McKenzie said that they were talking to other countries about freedom of navigation in the Gulf and will work ‘aggressively’ to find a solution to enable free passage.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 19 July 2019 11:12

Syria: Bombs outside church

IS claimed responsibility for detonating a car bomb in front of a church in the city of Qamishli, which is held by the Kurdish YPG militia, injuring at least eight people. Earlier that day a bomb killed 11 civilians, including children, in the city of Afrin, on the border with Turkey. Many others were wounded, some seriously, in the explosion at the entrance to the city. One report said the bomb was planted in a diesel fuel tanker left in a residential area of Afrin and that many homes were damaged in the explosion and subsequent fire. Afrin, was held by the Kurdish YPG until 2018 when it was seized by Turkish-backed militia.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 12 July 2019 13:07

Mongolia: corruption and Christianity

In March Parliament made it possible for judges, prosecutors and others to be fired by the National Security Council. Since then the head of the Supreme Court, the director and deputy director of the anti-corruption agency, and the chief prosecutor and his deputy have all been sacked. Last week, 17 judges were removed from their posts. However there are still more corruption allegations swirling around dozens of members of Parliament. Eventhe president is implicated in a scandal from his time as head of the Transport Ministry. Mongolia as a Christian mission field is full of promise. From the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, the gospel is gaining momentum and reaching across rural areas. Churches welcome missionaries wanting to evangelise while meeting practical needs. Mongolian officials have expressed their desire for ‘foreign experts’ to help with pressing social problems, provide training for information technology and giving young people a safe environment. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 12 July 2019 13:04

Hong Kong: migrants join protests

Demonstrations in Hong Kong have drawn in the youth, parents, first-time protesters and the church, while migrant workers have quietly and consistently participated since the beginning. Migrants distrust the Chinese justice system. In June a Chinese trawler rammed into a Filipino fishing vessel in the South China Sea (called the West Philippine Sea in the Philippines), over which China has claimed dominion. The Filipino boat’s 22-man crew ended up in the water, fearing for their lives, for hours as their vessel sank. They were ultimately rescued by Vietnamese sailors. Chinese officials downplayed the incident as an accident. Onlookers call it one of many dangerous disagreements where China has used its strength to strong-arm neighbouring nations, displaying unwanted authoritarian actions. One migrant said, ‘The moment you make your opposition to certain government policies known, you are treated like a threat to state security, and can be jailed for years.’

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