
Displaying items by tag: Asia

Friday, 21 April 2023 10:18

God’s word translated and shared

Sakachep Christians in India celebrated the dedication of the New Testament in their language, which took several years to complete. Now, for the first time, God's Word is available in their mother tongue. After the dedication, eager Sakachep people came forward for their own copy of God's Word. In the coming months several more Bible distributions in new languages are scheduled near the Tibetan border, and in the next few years over 20 new translation projects are planned. Also 771 million people in undeveloped countries catch diseases because they cannot get safe drinking water. The Bucket Ministry reduces that number by sharing God’s love and providing safe, clean water using a filter attached to a bucket that removes harmful bacteria in North America, South America, Central America, Asia, and Africa. Providing clean water also leads to opportunities to share the gospel. In ten years they’ve helped 250,000 families. The difference is lifesaving physically and spiritually.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 April 2023 09:45

Afghanistan: persecuted and hungry

Sixty days in a cage, no light, and tortured, is one of the extreme cruelties which Christians in Afghanistan experience. They are under a death sentence, yet there are over 10,000, almost all converts from Islam. They have a long, dangerous, and deadly road ahead of them. Please pray for the underground church facing the ultimate threat: turn back to Islam or die. Pray also for the safety of the known Christians who have been open about their faith. May God give them wisdom in all they say and do. Also a humanitarian crisis of incredible proportions has grown more complex and severe since the Taliban took control. Job losses, lack of cash, and soaring food prices have resulted in nearly 20 million not having enough to eat. Afghanistan is on the brink of economic collapse. The currency is at an all-time low. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 April 2023 09:40

Yemen: peace talks

An agreement to restore relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran has opened the possibility of peace talks between Riyadh, which backs Yemen’s official rulers, and the Iran-aligned Houthi rebels. Saudi and Houthi representatives met with Omani mediators in Yemen last week to negotiate a permanent ceasefire. Pray for further progress. The UN estimates that 4.5 million Yemenis are displaced and two-thirds of the population are in dire need of humanitarian aid. In eight years Yemen has endured terrible suffering from bombs and mines causing needless deaths. The war is fuelled by Saudi Arabia, Britain, America and the United Arab Emirates - and also Iran, which has supplied funds and weapons to Houthi rebels. There are miles of negotiations and diplomatic manoeuvrings to go, but to reach this point is a tremendous tonic for Yemenis who have seen war plunge their beautiful and naturally resource-rich country into one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 April 2023 09:37

Asia: severe heatwave

The worst April heatwave in Asian history is causing deaths and forcing schools to close. Temperatures of over 40C in Bangladesh have caused road surfaces to melt, and if the heat does not abate the ministry of environment will declare a temperature emergency. Six cities in India recorded temperatures above 44C. India has become particularly vulnerable to extreme heat recently; experts fear 2023 could be even worse. As temperatures and humidity soar, causing an orange severe heatwave warning, rural workers and labourers are forced to work outside. Weekend thunderstorms could abate conditions, but extreme heat is projected to continue into next week. Thailand has issued heatstroke health warnings and the high temperatures could continue beyond the usual summer months, causing drought and crop failure. China reported record-breaking temperatures for April in many locations, and over a dozen countries are experiencing similar problems. The death toll is expected to rise. Pray for the frail and elderly to drink enough fluids, including in the UK as meteorologists forecast an even hotter summer for us than in 2022.

Published in Worldwide

Settlement expansion is not the only reason why a dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis is almost impossible. The USA, which sponsored talks in the past, has other preoccupations. It is much more concerned with its rivalry with China and the war in Ukraine. The Palestinian political leadership is deeply divided between Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority on the West Bank. They are not capable, as things stand, of making or delivering any sort of deal. The Palestinian Authority is barely capable of exercising its own limited powers. Israel is deep in its own internal political crisis about the nature of its own democracy. Peace between Palestinians and Israelis is as far away as ever. Neither side trusts the other. This year a serious upsurge in violence and death is a serious warning of even worse trouble ahead. Everyone here knows the risks they are running, but there is no realistic plan to head off the deadly trouble that lies ahead.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 April 2023 22:07

Israel: terrorists captured

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have arrested a terrorist cell in Jenin that intended to carry out an attack ‘in an immediate time frame’. Five terrorists were detained during the raid carried out by the IDF’s undercover counterterror unit, a paratrooper patrol, and a Shin Bet-directed military unit which seized ammunition and military equipment. Two other wanted suspects were arrested overnight in counterterrorism operations elsewhere. In a village near Ramallah, Israeli forces arrested a wanted man. During the raid, rioters burned tires and threw stones at the soldiers, who responded with crowd disbursement measures. Another suspect was arrested in the village of Abu Najim, where Molotov cocktails and stones were thrown at soldiers, who employed crowd disbursement methods. The wanted men were transferred for questioning. These arrests follow a week of terrorist activity, killing Israelis and tourists. See also this week’s world article, ‘Israel: terrorist tensions’.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 April 2023 22:04

Iran: a different path

Before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iranian women could vote and wear Western clothing. Religious minorities, like Christians, were protected by law. Since 1979, leaders have been doing everything according to Islamic principles, which is driving people to look for something else. Jesus is ‘something else,’ something separate from Islam, and many Iranians are finding him. Many Iranian believers also have Muslim friends and family members who are sick of Islam, are sick of what is happening in their country, and want something else. To help Iranian believers reach loved ones and neighbours for Christ, Voice of the Martyrs USA is sending 300,000 Bibles into Iran this month. When equipped with Scripture, Iranian believers can hand those (frustrated) people a Bible and say, ‘Why don’t you read this? This is a different path.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 April 2023 21:31

Israel: terrorist tensions

Following two nights of violence between police and ‘agitators’ at Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque, 34 rockets were launched into Israel’s civilian population from southern Lebanon terrorists. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said 25 of the projectiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome defence system. See Israel’s military then carried out air strikes on Hamas targets in southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. Gaza retaliated with dozens more rockets. IDF warplanes struck Hamas’ infrastructures in Lebanon and Gaza, including an underground shaft to construct weapons, three weapons workshops and an underground terrorist tunnel. Another 44 rockets from Gaza towards southern Israel were intercepted. See On Good Friday, two British-Israeli sisters were killed and their mother later died after being shot in the West Bank. The next day, an Italian tourist was killed and seven others injured in a Tel Aviv car-ramming. Benjamin Netanyahu has called up army and police reservists.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 April 2023 21:26

China: Christian population growth

8% of China’s population is Christian and Christianity is established in every province, but many do not have enough Bible knowledge. Rural areas still have a shortage of Bibles and Christian teaching. Pray for wise, godly leadership to be multiplied at every level in the Church and for Christians to be part of shaping China as the nation amasses wealth and political influence. The Church has many mature leaders, but needs more as the church grows. Pray for Christians to have integrity in a culture where corruption is a temptation. 200 years ago, Napoleon Bonaparte said, ’Let China Sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.’ This is being realised as China’s church is awakened by God’s Spirit. Pray for this to be a significant Christian movement with continuing growth. China is a significant global power, economically and militarily, pray for wise leaders to walk a path of peace.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 April 2023 21:22

Myanmar: terrorism from the sky

The military junta in Myanmar has carried out its deadliest attack yet on civilians in rebel-held areas. It bombed a meeting of community leaders, killing about 100, including 30 children. The junta has increasingly used airstrikes to crush resistance since it seized power in 2021, often targeting schools and clinics run by the opposition. Myanmar’s military is losing against armed ground battles that have sprung up since the coup, so they are increasingly relying on airstrikes, targeting the most vulnerable. The whole country is up in arms, and every single community is involved in some kind of armed resistance against this military dictatorship. So they are trying to terrorise the civilian populations into submission with mass arrests, torturing prisoners, beheading civilians, and media repression. Graphic images posted online and verified by Al Jazeera and other media show burning limbs at the recent bomb scene. The UN warns of worsening human rights violations across Myanmar.

Published in Worldwide