
Displaying items by tag: Africa

The world’s oral cholera vaccine stockpile has run dry, while at least 16 countries face outbreaks. Africa experiences a disproportionately high cholera mortality rate; in three countries the number of cases quadrupled in one year, and 1,600 died. Manufacturers have already allocated upcoming vaccine doses elsewhere until mid-March, with growing demand surpassing supply. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is calling for more manufacturers, and more technical support to help them. The shortage leaves communities unprotected, heightening the risk of preventable cholera deaths. This scarcity echoes past challenges, for example when a temporary one-dose vaccination measure was adopted in 2022. The current outbreaks are exacerbated by humanitarian crises and environmental factors like droughts, floods, and inadequate public infrastructure.

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Thursday, 15 February 2024 21:38

South Africa: cost of peace-keeping force in DRC

South Africa's contingent of 2,900 soldiers deployed to the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is expected to cost just over R2 billion (£850 million), as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Mission takes on a year-long tour to help stabilise that troubled region. The SAMIDRC also includes soldiers from Malawi, Tanzania and the DRC itself. The deployment of this force follows its principle of collective self-defence and collective action, which states: ‘Any armed attack perpetrated against one of the state parties shall be considered a threat to regional peace and security, and shall be met with immediate collective action.’ President Cyril Ramaphosa has defended his deployment of the force as ‘South Africa's international obligation’ towards the SADC.

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Thursday, 08 February 2024 22:35

Zimbabwe: 62 men saved as hanging is abolished

Sixty-two death row inmates in Zimbabwe could have their sentences commuted to life in prison when the government abolishes the death penalty in 2024. This was revealed after a cabinet meeting chaired by president Emmerson Mnangagwa on 6 February. The abolition is due to come into effect through a private member's bill. At present, the constitution states that the death penalty may be imposed only for murder committed under aggravating circumstances, and only on men aged between 21 to 70. The last inmates to be hanged were two notorious criminals in 2005. Zimbabwe at present does not even have a hangman, despite interest in the job by applicants in 2022, two of whom were women. As of last year, the death sentence was still used in thirty countries on the continent - but the death penalty has only been used regularly in fourteen of those. Capital punishment has now been abolished in 26 African countries.

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Paramilitary leader Mohamad Hamdan Dagalo, known as ‘Hemedti’, recently visited the Rwandan genocide memorial in Kigali, sparking controversy; his paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has been accused of similar atrocities in Sudan's civil war. His tour in January to leaders in six African countries raised concerns because despite allegations of widespread atrocities by RSF fighters, he was received like a head of state. In West Darfur, a UN report has revealed that RSF fighters and allied militias have killed up to 15,000 non-Arabs from the Masalit tribe, with thirteen mass graves identified since the war began. Approximately 550,000 Masalit refugees have been displaced to camps in Chad, and their land has been forcibly taken over by new settlers. On 1 January Hemedti signed an agreement with a civilian coalition called Taqaddum, supposedly aiming to end hostilities and provide security to civilians. However, so far the RSF has failed to govern or demonstrate a genuine commitment to govern.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 February 2024 20:06

Ethiopia: nearly 400 have died of starvation

Ethiopia's national ombudsman has revealed that nearly 400 people have died of starvation in the Tigray and Amhara regions in recent months. Local officials had previously reported such deaths, but the federal government had denied these claims. The UN and the USA had suspended food aid in Tigray and Ethiopia after discovering a ‘large-scale’ scheme to steal humanitarian grain. but lifted the pause in December after implementing reforms. However, Tigray authorities claim that food is not reaching those in need, citing technical issues and funding shortages. Only 14% of the 3.2 million people targeted for food aid in Tigray had received it by 21 January. The Tigray Food Cluster, a group of aid agencies, has urged immediate scaling up of operations to prevent severe food insecurity and malnutrition, particularly among vulnerable children and women. Approximately 20.1 million people across Ethiopia require humanitarian food assistance due to drought, conflict, and economic challenges.

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On 24 January, supporters of the main opposition party, Chadema, staged a peaceful march in Dar-es-Salaam - the first such occasion in seven years. A ban on political gatherings and protests was imposed by former president John Magufuli in 2015 but lifted by Samia Suluhu Hassan in 2021. Under heavy police protection, the demonstrators marched peacefully through the streets, waving placards and blowing whistles. They are calling for constitutional amendments to allow presidential election results to be challenged in court and to prevent the president from selecting electoral commission members. The opposition party also highlighted concerns about the high cost of living in Tanzania. Chadema's chairman, Freeman Mbowe, urged the withdrawal of proposed electoral law amendments from parliament until public opinions are incorporated. Unlike the previous era under Magufuli, this demonstration was not disrupted by the police, indicating a shift in the government's approach to political dissent. During his tenure, opposition gatherings were often violently suppressed, and leaders faced arrests and attacks, which they deemed politically motivated.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 January 2024 19:41

Ghana: ‘crown jewels’ to be loaned by UK

The UK is sending 32 significant artefacts, including a gold peace pipe, to Ghana on long-term loan, 150 years after they were looted from the Asante king's court. 17 pieces are from the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), and 15 from the British Museum. The move aims to foster cultural cooperation after years of tension. Some UK museums are legally prohibited from permanently returning contested items, making loans a compromise for repatriation. However, there is a concern that loans imply acceptance of UK ownership. Tristram Hunt, V&A's director, likened the gold court regalia to the UK's Crown Jewels and stressed the importance of fair sharing. The three-year loan agreements, extendable for another three, are with Otumfo Osei Tutu II, the current Asante king, rather than the Ghanaian government. The artefacts will be displayed at his palace in Kumasi, the Asante region's capital, to celebrate his silver jubilee. These gold items are the ultimate symbol of the royal government and are believed to be invested with the spirits of former Asante kings.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 18 January 2024 21:25

Comoros: violence follows disputed election result

The announcement on 17 January that Azali Assoumani had been re-elected president of the Comoros resulted in numerous protests and clashes. Demonstrators in the capital, Moroni, vandalised a former minister's house and blocked roads during the day, leading to confrontations with police who used tear gas and made arrests. In the evening, the government imposed a night curfew, citing ‘public necessity’. Officials announced that Assoumani had won 62.97% of the vote, but opposition leaders alleged fraud, including ballot-stuffing and inconsistent results, and jointly demanded the annulment of the result. The UN called for restraint amid mounting post-election tensions and urged the authorities to ensure a safe environment for peaceful assembly and expression of views. The Comoros, a politically volatile three-island chain with a history of coups, experienced a surprisingly low voter turnout of 16%, and discrepancies in vote counts raised concerns about the election's regularity.

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The BBC has exposed evidence of widespread abuse and torture by TB Joshua, the founder of one of the world's largest Christian evangelical churches, the Synagogue Church of All Nations. The two-year investigation revealed multiple eyewitness accounts of physical violence, torture, child abuse, and individuals being whipped and chained by him. Many women reported sexual assault, with some claiming repeated rape over the years within the compound. Forced abortions allegedly followed the rapes, with one woman claiming five terminations. Additionally, there were accounts of Joshua staging fake ‘miracle healings’ in broadcasts to millions worldwide. One British victim, Rae, shared her harrowing experience of being sexually assaulted, enduring solitary confinement for two years, and attempting suicide multiple times. The church did not respond to these allegations but has previously denied similar claims. Joshua died in 2021: his church, now led by his wife, still attracts pilgrims from around the world.

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A never-ending massacre of Christians being ‘killed for sport’ is reportedly happening in Nigeria, yet the world appears to be largely deaf to it. While much of the world was celebrating a beginning - Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ - in Nigeria they were mourning the end of many lives. Armed bandits ran amok, according to Amnesty International, in some twenty communities across central Nigeria, killing at least 140. In a country where accurate statistics are traditionally hard to come by, some sources have put the death toll closer to 200. The Christians were killed in a wide swath across an invisible line that separates the mostly Muslim north and the predominantly Christian south in the country’s Plateau State. One commentator on social media asked: ‘When is the protest march scheduled for?’

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