Praise Reports
Turkey’s president has now confirmed publicly that an American pastor jailed for the past twelve months is being held as a political hostage. In a speech at his presidential palace, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan openly called on…
Dr John Sentamu said it has never been so important to support young people as he launched a major fundraising drive to extend the reach of his youth trust almost a decade after it launched. The…
About 500,000 public school students, from all fifty US states, will join the Focus on the Family's Bring Your Bible to School day on 5 October. This is the fourth such annual student-led religious freedom event.…
‘I’ve just returned from an amazing gathering of Christian leaders meeting for 24 hours to pray and consider how we make Jesus known in our country over the next thirty years. The Windermere Leaders' Summit was…
‘Dear brothers and sisters, Hurricane Irma has dealt a hard blow to our diocese and beyond. We are grateful to Almighty God for sparing our lives, and mourn for those whose lives were ended. I urge…
On 18 March 2016 Prayer Alert readers prayed for the safety of an Indian priest who had been abducted when a Catholic care home for the frail and disabled in Aden was attacked. See On 12…