IPC Connections
We have received this urgent prayer concern:“Please pray for Joshua. He is in his late 20’s, married for 4 months, and has now been in prison in Kabul for three weeks. He is charged with not paying a sub-contractor, false accusations as far as I know. He and his wife…
Thank you for your prayers for the Silk Road region! They are vital to see God’s purposes established in these strategic nations in this important time in history! Read below for up-to-date information on how to pray for each nation: Afghanistan Recently in Kabul, terrorists have attacked the most secure…
Many countries across Asia are encountering severe flooding and loss of lives. In Thailand, the situation is getting worse in many provinces (at least 25 provinces of the 77 provinces). “It just gets worse” (that is the headline of the Bangkok Post online edition yesterday: www.bangkokpost.com). To date, according to…
Wonderful progress has been made in engaging the remaining unreached people groups of our world. For more information, please check out this website:http://www.finishingthetask.com/videos.html#Table71 Pray for these unreached people groups and that Christian workers will hear His call to go to them and be effective in sharing Christ’s Good News in…
It’s a new season in Hollywood and we are seeing the Lord move in mighty ways! Christian ministries are uniting together and reaching out to the body of Christ to pray and support God’s movement in Hollywood. To launch this campaign, a key group of Christian media professionals are challenging…
Continue praying for Libya.Pray for the safety of civilians and also as the TNC is in the process of forming a Government, pray for wise leaders who make righteous choices. Pray also for the Kingdom of God to grow across the nation. Pray for the Tunisian ElectionsTunisia will be going…
Coming up in just over a month is the annual pilgrimage to Mecca for Muslims. We have put together a prayer guide with video for people to pray during this time.http://www.pray-ap.info/hajj Thanks for helping to get the word out! Blessings, Graham Wells, Operation Mobilization
21 Days for Global Harvest 2-22 October 2011 unites the student generation in the like-minded fervent prayer for global harvest. The goal is for 2,000 groups form 50 nations praying by name for students from 21 nations to be mobilized and for 387 unengaged, unreached people groups during these 21…
The Vertical Call Prayer Festival is continuing in great enthusiasm. Prayer Warriors across India and the globe have sacrificially given time to pray and fast and seek the Lord to bring a great transformation in India. Prayer requests for 40 days (English) are attached: PDF for India Veritcal callVertical Call…
A friend in Afghanistan asks us to pray: “This is another article on the Haqqani group. It is interesting that Admiral Mike Mullen, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said recently before the US Senate Armed Services Committee that Pakistan military’s spy agency, ISI, was closely tied to the Haqqani…
The Global Day of Worship (GDW) is a call for a unified, global worship movement to see the name of Jesus Christ lifted up throughout the earth. It will be a day that will unify many denominations within the body of Christ while embracing and celebrating the differences in our…
In recent weeks, the city of Jos in Plateau State, Nigeria has experienced a dramatic upsurge in seemingly un-ending sectarian violence. Scripture encourages us to don our spiritual armour, “for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this…