IPC Connections
One of our colleagues in Mexico reports some answers to prayers for Mexico. In the last months, these events have occurred: 1. The leader of Familia Michoacana, one who has threatened us of kidnapping, fell down in a special operation by the military in Michoacan. He regarded himself as the…
Robert Park, a 29-year-old Korean-American, was detained by North Korean authorities when he crossed the Tumen River bordering China. He recalls torture including sexual abuse which made him want to kill himself. But he did not. He felt his life could be used to report the actual crisis of human…
Latest news - As of February 8, the Christian Post Correspondent now reports that Said Musa is "facing execution within three days for converting to Christianity. Said Musa, 45, was told by a judge that he would be hanged within days unless he reconverts to Islam. But the father of…
Compass Direct News (www.compassdirect.org) announced that 11 Christians (including 2 children) were arrested at gunpoint while sharing an evening meal and being charged for conducting a “secret meeting” in a pastor’s home. Three church leaders were included and still remain in custody after the release of the other 8: PastorWanna…
Joel News (www.joelnews.org) reported that Bibles were able to get into the hands of many in Laos, but the church asks for 2,000 more New Testaments. Please pray:1. That God’s Word be protected as it crosses borders and that it reaches the spiritually hungry.2. That the 2,000 more New Testaments…
A Christian brother from Switzerland was called by God in response to Numbers 10:2, 9. “Make two trumpets of hammered silver and use them for calling the community together and for having the camps set out…When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy who is oppressing…
"During the last watch of the night the LORD looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud at the Egyptian army and threw it into confusion". Ex 14:24 We need to stop and THANK GOD for what He is doing. Sometimes all we see around us is the darkness…
Father Anton Cruz shares that on Saturdays from 8 p.m. to midnight, the Royal Kids will be praying for CIP and WPA. To join them in real time, visit www.royalkids.org. Please pray:1. For the prayer ministry of the Royal Kids to be funded, guided, and nurtured well.2. For blessings to…
The World Weekend of Prayer is an international prayer event that will happen the first weekend in June (3rd, 4th, 5th) 2011, in Oxford, UK. The theme is “Together”. In past conferences, prayer booklets in 15 different languages including a child-friendly resource were published; it is hoped that these and…
Joel News reported that more than 230,000 died in the January 12th earthquake of 2010. The country is still being rebuilt. Many relief agencies and churches are still working to transform the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. www.joelnews.org Please pray:1. For well coordinated relief efforts.2. For good working relationships…
The very first conference on “Children at Risk and the Christian’s Response” is being held from February 7-10, 2011. About 100 pastors and leaders are expected to attend with the following objectives:1. To make visible the Christian response to children at risk.2. To inspire church leaders for engaging with children…
Joel News (www.joelnews.org) reports that more than 40 years after the Cultural Revolution, Chinese Christians are being bold in sharing their faith in public, meeting in a public place (attendance is around 1,000), and going into communities to distribute food and clothes. China so far has taken a blind eye…