IPC Connections
"When we work, we work, but when we pray God works". "More things are wrought through prayer than this world dreams of" (Alfred Lord Tennyson – poet). The success of any mission is in direct proportion to the amount of believing prayer that can be mobilised. Little prayer, little blessing.…
Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated "Line of Fire" radio program. In a perceptive article on WND.com mainly referring to last month’s US election, he writes, “By all counts, 2016 was a year of great shaking, perhaps of divine proportions.” He goes on to say…
An HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome THE KING of GLORY into our Nation and BEYOND…   Dear ones, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call facilitators, and all our brothers and sisters in Christ who will joyfully Welcome THE KING of GLORY into our nation!  The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call team has been focused…
 “On January 3 through the 14th, the Kalachakra Puja, a very spiritually and physically charged gathering being lead by the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet will be held in Bodh Gaya, India the site believed to be where the Buddha is supposed to have achieved enlightenment. , http://www.dnaindia.com/…/report-dalai-lama-presides-over-2… Here's my perspective…
In the Messianic Jewish community that I’m part of, we define ourselves as Jews who are at the same time loyal to Yeshua as Messiah and Lord, and loyal to the Jewish community with its values and traditions. This can be a balancing act at times, but it also unlocks…
1 December 2016 BBC News “Ethnic cleansing is taking place in war-torn South Sudan, the country's UN human rights commission has warned. It says it has observed starvation, the burning of villages and rape being used as weapons of war across the country. The three-member commission, which was established earlier…
http://www.trunews.com/article/one-last-kiss-jihadi-parents-blow-up-own-daughter December 21, 2016 One last kiss: Jihadi parents blow up own daughter A still image taken from a video obtained by Reuters shows the damage inside a police station in the Midan neighbourhood of Damascus, after Syrian state television said a young girl of about nine years of age…
Multiple confidential sources inside of a powerful jihadist group within the United States have informed the Christian Action Network and the Clarion Project that members have been told to arm themselves in anticipation of raids by the Trump Administration. The Pakistan-based spiritual leader of Muslims of America (MOA), Sheikh Gilani,…
The first 100 Days of the presidency of a newly elected POTUS is critical for setting the platform and for garnering the success of the administration from the start. This year the first 100 days begins on Inauguration Day, January 20th, and runs through April 29th, 2017. As we look…
(CNN) Political uncertainty in the United States and in South Korea could give North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "an apt time" to develop nuclear weapons "at all costs by the end of 2017," a high-profile North Korean diplomat who recently defected to South Korea said Tuesday. "Due to domestic political…
Fox News, Dec. 29 “The major players involved in the long-running Syrian conflict have agreed to a cease-fire set to begin at midnight on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said earlier in the day. The deal will be guaranteed by Russia and Turkey. It's set to be followed by peace…
Sunrise Prayer Relay As we wrote earlier in the week, many interdenominational groups of praying people will greet the dawn of the New Year with others from all around the world as the sun rises in your own community this Sunday morning, January 1. Please join with brothers and sisters…