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Displaying items by tag: welcoming the king of glory

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:15

IPC Calendar

Hindu World 15 Days of Prayer - 20 Oct - 3 Nov 2019


Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church – Sun 3 Nov 2019


WEA General Assembly 2019 - 7-12 Nov 2019 - Jakarta


The Balkan Call - Nov 7-9, 2019 - Thessaloniki, Greece


Welcoming the King of Glory into Florida – 8-10 Nov 2019

Finishing the Task Conference 3-5 December 2019


Sunrise Prayer Relay 1st Jan 2020


Seek God for the City Feb 26–Apr 5, 2020


Go 2020 – Reaching 1 Billion for Christ - May 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


13bUPRising Events Calendar

UPRising Magpet - November 8-9, 2019 - North Cotabato, Philippines

UPRising Mexico - November 7-10, 2019 - Juarez, Mexico

UPRising Australia - July 14-18, 2020 - Sydney, Australia

UPRising New England - November 19-21, 2020 - New England, USA

Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:13

Jerusalem "Welcoming the King of Glory" Reports

The Welcoming the King of Glory conference in Jerusalem/Israel was a unique historic event.

Below is an article published by a Jewish believer from Israel. If you are interested to see some images and videos please visit my FB page at: https://www.facebook.com/ioan.peia.7

Welcoming the king of glory - ground-breaking sukkot conference

Joni Koski

Conference speaker Benjamin Berger, said that of all the many great conferences he has attended since his 1971 aliya, this year's Sukkot – Welcoming the King of Glory conference was the most significant.

For the first time it was initiated by local Messianic leaders - and led by Avi Mizrachi. Other speakers included EitanShishkoff, Asher Intrater, and Reuven Berger.

The conference was marked by both great local unity and the purposeful alignment of visiting nations to Israel.

Visitors came from the ends-of-the-earth and most notably the Pacific Islands, presenting themselves before some local leaders with gifts and colorful song and dance.

When one of the Pacific Islanders was offered Asher's new Alignment book for free, he was reminded that on his way to the conference God had told him to go back home and bring his plumb line. On receiving the book, he understood the prophetic meaning of the plumb line in its alignment function.

Poignantly, at the climax of the Solomon Island's presentation, one man with an existing heart condition tragically died. Their leader, Father Michael, had actually warned the group that this might happen in the tangible presence of God, and the conference was filled with the fear of the Lord.

For Revive Israel's Ariel Blumenthal, assistant MC, the highlight was when a group from Africa came and opened their hearts about the poverty and failure of Africa, tracing it back to Ham and the curse of his father Noah. In response, descendants of Noah's other sons, Shem and Japeth, got together and in faith reversed that curse of Ham.

The conference, unwelcome in Jerusalem's Kosher hotels, took place in a basketball arena in the largely Israel-friendly, Muslim town of Abu Ghosh, just outside Jerusalem – where Obed Edom looked after the Ark of the Covenant for three months (2 Sam 6:11). While the first rains fell after Israel's long, hot summer, the conference highlighted clear prophetic parallels between bringing the ark back to Jerusalem and preparing the way for Yeshua's return.

Ioan Peia

06A second report from Martin and Norma Sarvis:

“My bow I set in the clouds, so that it may serveas a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.”(Genesis 9:13; See Torah section below)


This season of the Fall Feasts in Israel, beginning with the Feast of Trumpets on September 20th and ending with Simchat Torah, at the close of Tabernacles on October 12th, saw what may well have been the largest inpouring of believing visitors from the Nations in Israel’s 69-year modern history.  And there were many wonderful events within which the visitors could celebrate the feasts corporately—the All Nations Convocation in southern Jerusalem from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, the Feast of Tabernacles gathering sponsored by the Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, to name only two.  SuccatHallel—the 24/7 house of prayer and praise of which we are a part, and other houses of prayer across the city saw an almost continuous stream of visitors come to worship the King of Kings in Jerusalem. So much blessing was released into the city through the presence of our visitors.

Last week we wrote of a very special and unusual event scheduled to take place during the last half of Succot, the “Welcoming the King of Glory” gathering.  We are so grateful for the prayers which went up on its behalf from around the world.  Thank you!  This amazing event is unlike anything we have ever experienced in Israel.  It began Tuesday night and was over early afternoon on Friday.  We plan to share more in the future; we are still trying to process what took place.  But something divine and historical has occurred.

As mentioned last week, at the initiative of our brothers in the islands and far reaches of the South Pacific, a number of Messianic and Believing Arab leaders in Israel took up the challenge to host a gathering in Israel inviting the Nations to join us in welcoming God’s glory back to His land and people. They have been praying regularly about this.  We are reminded of Exodus 25, where the LORD invited the children of Israel, “every one whose heart moves him” to take part in preparing a place for Him to come and sho’ken—dwell among them, in their midst.  This year, a number who heard the call and “whose hearts moved them” responded, and over the months a unity and focus and longing grew amongst them.  Last Monday a delegation of Israelis and visitors travelled to the port of Jaffa, from which the Holy Spirit was released through Peter to Cornelius in Caesarea (Acts 10:23)—and from thence to the nations.  There they did a number of prophetic acts, welcoming the return from the furthest reaches of the world to Israel and Jerusalem. The opening meeting the next evening took place in an Arab village west of Jerusalem called Abu Goash.  For months we had been searching for a venue—but even after reserving places in a hotel, once it was discovered that Israeli Messianic Jews would be involved, the welcome was withdrawn from fear of repercussions from the Orthodox (There was literally “no place in the inn”).

Finally, the Lord in a remarkable way, opened a community arena in Abu Goash, just west of Jerusalem.  In fact, the welcome came from the city fathers and the Mayor.  Abu Goash is the only Arab town on the road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which refused to side with the Jordanians against the Israelis in the 1948 War for independence.  In fact, the community has remained remarkably friendly to Jews to this day.  It also lies in the vicinity of ancient KiryatYe’arim—the place where the Ark of the Covenant rested for several years after being returned from the Philistines, and before being brought by David into Jerusalem.  Hundreds of believers from abroad descended there last Tuesday evening, many bringing gifts they had brought to give to the brothers and sisters in Jerusalem.  The worship was in Hebrew and English, led by different Israeli worship leaders and groups.  Except for special ethnic praise and worship songs released by the Islanders; there were 180 from New Caledonia, hundreds from Samoa, Island-Breeze from Hawaii…many others.  Many entered into special “protocol” in bringing their gifts and worship to the King, and in honoring His “first born.”  There were anointed messages from the Israelis, there was an all-afternoon Elav celebration by Israeli Jewish and Arab young people from Israel, Judea and Samaria and Jordan—and when they came together with the adults in the evening, the fire and intensity of praise and worship had an anointing over it which we have not experienced before. On Friday morning the gathering moved up to conclude in Jerusalem.  Something new has come into place—God has visited us in a new way. Things will be different from here on---

Some Impressions from the Welcoming the King of Glory Gathering

By Norma

"They shall bring your sons in their arms; And your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders;  Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers; They shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth…Then you will know that I am YHVH."
Isaiah 49:22b-23

These verses are such a picture to me of the gathering of the nations with Israel last week.  There are weekly, sometimes bi-weekly, conferences in Jerusalem.  Those from the Nations invite those from their and other nations to gather there.  Often, in the course of the meetings, an Israeli speaker may have been invited to speak; a few Israelis might attend.  But this past week, Israel scheduled the gathering, and then invited the nations to join.

As we met and prayed with the leaders daily during these days, we observed such humility in the Israeli pastors; such holy love and respect among them.

One thousand people attended!  Over six hundred from the Pacific Islands alone!  This is a very large conference for Israel!

He hath remembered His mercy and His truth toward the house of Israel:  all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God." (Psalm 98:3)

Many of these from the "ends of the earth" had saved their money for years in order to come, but they did not come to speak or offer their ideas, nor to sight-see—they came only to honor Israel and her believing Remnant, and to bless her, and to be a part of welcoming the King of Glory to return.

I have attended many believing events here and in other nations.  Most have been "speaker-driven".  This was "honor-driven".  The Nations came to honor the "elder brother"—Israel.  And Israeli pastors took their place as the "first-born".  We are a Body which is often insecure.  Because of our faith, we often are not accepted as Jews by other Jews.  We are sometimes even fearful that we might be expelled from the Land.  Many here have waited and hoped for revival for years and years.  But something shifted in these three days!  Most who attended left saying:  "I have no words to describe this, but it was historical!"  "A bridge has been crossed."  "A shift has happened!"

I sense in the coming six months we will see evidence that the King of Glory was indeed welcomed to Jerusalem.  And that the "elder brother in Israel has indeed taken his rightful place there…and in doing so has opened the way for world-wide shifts to take place in the Body!


  • Praise and thanksgiving with us for the visitation of His Spirit in Abu Goash and Jerusalem this past week.
  • For illumination in the Spirit into the NEW for the Body of Messiah—both in Israel and in the countries of those who came here.  That God clarifies what He has done, and guide us in walking forward in it.
  • That the Body in Israel will step by faith into the New Season which is upon us
  • That the Gateway which has been opened will stay open—and that that for which it was opened will flood into the Land.  We believe that a new measure of the Glory of the Lord has been released—which will prepare the way for much, much more!
  • For signs and wonders, healings and miracles, and a new boldness in Love in sharing the Good News with Jews and Arabs in the Land.
  • For a rear-guard of protection over all who attended the Gathering—especially those who took part in organizing and facilitating it.
  • That the new degree of love and trust which is shining among the leaders will continue to warm and spread!
  • For the Light of Jesus (Yasuah) shine in Abu Goash –that this place which welcomed His coming be blessed with a supernatural revelation of salvation and prosperity.

Martin and Norma Sarvis