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Displaying items by tag: welcome the king of glory

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:17

Florida: Welcoming the King of Glory

Invitation to a Holy Convocation to WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA

Orlando, Florida ~ November 8, 9,10, 2019

“But to you who fear My Name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.” Malachi 4:2

God is moving powerfully in the United States of America…manifesting His intention to bring us back to the very foundations upon which He brought us forth 243 years ago! As we approach the elections of 2020, we see that the battlegrounds are many, and one state that is absolutely critical at this hour is FLORIDA!

We are being summoned there, where darkness is making a stand, and martialing it’s forces, attempting to take and control the state, the rest of our country.

The battle lines are drawn, and the Lord of Hosts Himself will confront the enemy in FLORIDA. He will “rise and shine” His LIGHT into the darkness and open the doors for those who want to be delivered from captivity.

On behalf of the people of our nation, as representatives of the Ekklesia, the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is calling for a Holy Convocation to WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA on November 8, 9, 10, 2019 at the Orlando International Worship Center, 4700 Goddard Avenue, Orlando, FL 32804.

We are reaching out to you, seeking your blessing, endorsement and prayerful participation. This is your personal invitation to join us on behalf of this nation, to stand with us in this endeavour.

Thank you for the way in which you are serving our Lord...and hopefully, for your willingness to be our “companion on this journey.”

More info and sign up at: https://www.facebook.com/events/975347866131244/

WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA Coordinating Team:

Audra Smith, Orlando International Worship Center, Maureen Bravo and Pastor Ioan Peia

Tuesday, 03 October 2017 05:35


The Pavilion, Jerusalem, Israel

The Holy Convocation in Jerusalem to Welcome the King of Glory!

Shalom from Jerusalem, the City of the Great King!

Two thousand years ago our Lord and Messiah, Yeshua, commanded his disciples to take the Gospel from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20).  Six hundred years before this, the prophet Isaiah saw that the glory of God would reach even to the islands from the rising of the sun (east), and also to the “ends of the earth” (Isaiah 24:15, 41:5, 42:10). 

In our generation, these prophecies of the Great Commission are being fulfilled. The Gospel has reached to the distant islands of the Pacific, exactly on the other side of globe from Jerusalem.  And now, peoples from every tribe, tongue and nation, are desiring to bring the Good News and the Glory back to Jerusalem - all in preparation for His glorious return!

We are a group of Israeli, Messianic leaders who have come together to “Welcome the King of Glory.”  King David was the first to welcome the King of Glory when he brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem.  He did this both as an individual worshiper, but also on behalf of his people, Israel. 

For many reasons, we believe that this year of 2017 is prophetically significant.  Together with a remnant of believers from many tribes, tongues and nations, we desire to welcome the King of Glory into Jerusalem once more.  We believe we are on the cusp of a new season of His glory residing in His Body worldwide - according to Isaiah 60.  We also believe that this will mark a new season of God’s presence among His people in Israel, and the beginning of a season of the fulfilment of many End Times’ events. (We are not necessarily declaring this season as the time of His Second Coming!)

We want to invite you, your family, your tribes and nations, to come up to Jerusalem for this special gathering during Sukkot 2017.   The Lord is about to arise over Jerusalem to mark the beginning of the Day of the Lord and the End Times.

Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! For behold the darkness shall cover the earth and great darkness shall cover the peoples. But the LORD will arise with His glory upon you, the Gentiles and their kings shall come to your light (Isaiah 60:1-3).

Let us gather in Jerusalem, to welcome the King of Glory, who is strong and mighty! Lift up your heads, O you gates…and the King of Glory shall come in!  (Psalm 24) 

The “Welcome the King of Glory” (WTKOG) gathering will take place at the Pavilion from October 9-13.  You can find details at www.wtkog.com    

We look forward to seeing you in Jerusalem, in the Name of our Messiah Yeshua!

Avi Mizrachi Israel Coordinator                                                                                                

Welcome the King of Glory

Pray that this not be just another conference. Instead, like the original Day of Pentecost, may the King of Glory visit Jerusalem in a unique and mighty way and may those Messianic Jews and Gentiles taking part in this event be endued with power from on high for the mission He has for them at this time in history.                                            

Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2017 is a very special year on God´s calendar, especially for Israel:

  • 120 years from the First Zionist World Congress
  • 100 years from the Balfour Declaration
  • 70 years from the UN Resolution 181
  • 50 years from the Six-Day war and unification of Jerusalem

Many messianic leaders in Israel have been convicted by the Holy Spirit that this is the year to worship and welcome Messiah, the King of Glory to Jerusalem at a special gathering on 9-13 October in Jerusalem together with brothers and sisters in Christ from all continents and nations.

It is the first time that the Messianic Body of Christ extends an invitation like this to the church from the nations. We believe this is of prophetic significance and therefore encourage all brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ and their friends to join us in Jerusalem this October.

For more details please see the invitation letter of Messianic leaders that follows, and please visit the www.wtkog.com website.

Looking forward to seeing you in Jerusalem October 9-13, and please also distribute this invitation within your churches and networks.

In Christ

Ioan Peia (Romania)
Berthold Becker (Germany)

October 9-13, 2017 - Ramat Rachel Resort, Jerusalem, Israel
The holy Convocation in Jerusalem to welcome the King of Glory!

Dear Family of God from the Nations!

Shalom from Jerusalem, the City of the Great King!

Two thousand years ago our Lord and Messiah, Yeshua, commanded his disciples to take the Gospel from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20). Six hundred years before this, the prophet Isaiah saw that the glory of God would reach even to the islands from the rising of the sun (east), and also to the “ends of the earth” (Isaiah 24:15, 41:5, 42:10).

In our generation, these prophecies of the Great Commission are being fulfilled. The Gospel has reached to the distant islands of the Pacific, exactly on the other side of globe from Jerusalem. And now, peoples from every tribe, tongue and nation, are desiring to bring the Good News and the Glory back to Jerusalem - all in preparation for His glorious return!

We are a group of Israeli, Messianic leaders who have come together to “Welcome the King of Glory.” King David was the first to welcome the King of Glory when he brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. He did this both as an individual worshiper, but also on behalf of his people, Israel.

For many reasons, we believe that this year of 2017 is prophetically significant. Together with a remnant of believers from many tribes, tongues and nations, we desire to welcome the King of Glory into Jerusalem once more. We believe we are on the cusp of a new season of His glory residing in His Body worldwide - according to Isaiah 60. We also believe that this will mark a new season of God’s presence among His people in Israel, and the beginning of a season of the fulfilment of many End Times’ events. (We are not necessarily declaring this season as the time of His Second Coming!)

We want to invite you, your family, your tribes and nations, to come up to Jerusalem for this special gathering during Sukkot 2017.

More info and to register: www.wtkog.com