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Displaying items by tag: the Wall

Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:33

10,000 testimonies in a time of crisis

In 2016 we prayed that a vision to build a wall of one million bricks, each brick representing an answered prayer, would become a reality, and it did. Now the Wall is seeking 10,000 testimonies during April to share hope with the nation online and sow faith at this challenging time. People have more time on their hands than ever, and as they read stories of answered prayer they will find fresh hope instead of fear, joy instead of anxiety; and encounter the God who answers prayer. They are inviting each intercessor to be a social media warrior and give them 15 minutes a day - or take time to share an answered prayer on their website. To do so, please click the ‘More’ button. It is encouraging to see the answered prayers that are beginning to come out of this crisis. To be involved, contact

Published in British Isles