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Displaying items by tag: students testimony

Thursday, 02 March 2023 20:40

Noah is hit by revival

Noah was a Christian student at Morehead University who heard about the Asbury revival. On 11 February, when his roommate suggested they go to Asbury, he declined. ‘No, I’m going to use today to rest, fast, and pray.’ But later, God reminded him that Jesus' disciples didn’t fast and pray while he was alive, but told them that when he was no longer there, then they would fast and pray (Luke 5:33-35). He sensed that God said, ‘You can always fast for me, but you will not always have this experience of what I’m doing at this campus’. Noah called out to his roommate, ‘I changed my mind. I’m going.’ When they entered the packed auditorium the worship leader was saying, ‘We’re not playing worship music to fit people’s needs, we’re playing worship music that honours God - that is for Jesus.’ The experience changed Noah. ‘God is more real, there is a deeper revelation, and the fear of the Lord increased over my life.’

Published in Praise Reports