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Displaying items by tag: she tried suicide

Thursday, 12 November 2020 21:27

She tried to commit suicide several times

At the Global Outreach Day, Christian felt that there was someone in the audience who had attempted suicide in the last couple of weeks. Using the microphone, he shared this word of knowledge and some other words of encouragement. A woman who was part of the outreach team then gave her testimony publicly for the first time. After the testimony, a young woman approached the ministry team and shared private details about her life. She said she had been raped several times in her life as a child and had already tried suicide several times: the last time was six days earlier. After the team shared the Gospel with her, she experienced the presence of Jesus and gave her life to him. She felt a wind blow on her back, not understanding what was going on. The team explained this could be the Holy Spirit who wanted to reveal himself and to touch her life. She said she will not attempt suicide again.

Published in Praise Reports