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Displaying items by tag: school uniforms

Thursday, 18 January 2024 21:41

France: Macron shifts to the right

On 16 January Emmanuel Macron made a notable shift to the political right during a televised press conference, signalling a change in his political stance. One week earlier, he had appointed Gabriel Attal as the youngest prime minister in French history, leading a noticeably more right-wing cabinet. The move appears to be a response to the growing challenge posed by the hard-right nationalists led by Marine Le Pen's, who are tipped to win the European elections in June. Macron emphasised the importance of instilling French republican values in schoolchildren. He proposed measures like school uniforms, learning the national anthem, civic service for 16-year-olds, and cracking down on drug gangs. He also announced policies to combat the declining birth rate, including improved access to fertility treatments and enhanced parental leave. The press conference format allowed Macron to delve into details, but it also risked portraying him as hiding a lack of substance behind torrents of words. Marine Le Pen dismissed the event as ‘yet another interminable jabber’.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 29 June 2023 22:03

Parents spend hundreds on school uniforms

The Children's Society reports that parents spend on average £422 a year on secondary and £287 on primary uniforms, despite government rules meant to lower the costs. Schools requiring parents to buy costlier branded items were partly to blame. One mum said, ‘Constantly replacing damaged clothing makes it even more expensive’. Under changes to the Education Act last year, schools should be helping cut costs by promoting cheaper second-hand uniform options or removing unnecessary branded items from uniform lists. But pupils still must have an average of three branded uniform items. Almost 1/3rd of secondary school pupils must own four to five branded items, and 45% of parents said school uniform policies had still not been updated. Pray for more clothing banks like Reloved who provide pre-worn uniforms free to families struggling with costs. In 11 months it has supported 3,000 families, and demand is rising as the cost of living soars.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 02 September 2021 22:52

School uniforms unaffordable

The average cost of uniform for a primary school child is £315, £337 for a secondary pupil, according to the Children's Society. Sadly, a law to make schools place affordability at the centre of their uniform policy will not be in place in time for the start of this school year, meaning that parents will not benefit from the changes until September 2022. The rules will limit the number of logos on uniforms, allowing parents to buy more items from supermarkets and shops other than a school's main supplier. Meanwhile clothes banks like Cradley Heath Community Link are offering school uniforms and PE kits which have been donated. They are providing uniforms for nine schools in the area at no cost, and are inundated with requests. One visitor, Darren Wright, said that if he had to buy it he’s looking at £300 for one child, impossible for people on Universal Credit. See

Published in British Isles