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Displaying items by tag: residential homes

Thursday, 25 June 2020 21:54

China: vulnerable disabled children

International China Concern (ICC) has sent volunteers from around the world to China since 1993, bringing extra care and enjoyment to abandoned children with disabilities. Each year there are short-term teams, for those who want to spend a week or two volunteering at one of their project sites. They support care-givers with additional activities, outings, and playtime for children and young adults. ICC also have long-term volunteers to set high standards of care by training and modelling their core values day to day in therapy, nursing, social work, education, administration, and communications. These volunteers commit to up to two years’ service. Pray for more people to commit to serving these needy children.

Published in Worldwide

Care of the vulnerable is a measure of a civilised society. Care home placements for adults with complex needs are assessed and funded according to the nature and severity of mental/physical disability. T is unable to speak, has severe autism and epilepsy, and has been assessed as lacking the mental capacity to make decisions. He needs specialist care. He was stabbed 20+ times by another resident in his previous accommodation and had been moved to Hillgreen. JL, by contrast, is a predatory sex abuser, has mild learning disabilities, no mental disorder and a long history of sexual offending. He was transferred to Hillgreen while awaiting trial, charged with raping an autistic woman in his previous home. The two should never have been living under the same roof. Everyone at Hillgreen was aware of the risk JL posed. Outside the care home he was permanently under supervision. Inside, despite many warnings, he was subject to no such restrictions. JL raped T.

Published in British Isles