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Displaying items by tag: letter to government

Thursday, 09 July 2020 21:38

Faith leaders and climate change

UK faith group representatives, in an open letter, have urged the Government to centre its economic recovery on the pressing need to reduce the impact of climate change. Signatories include members of the 'Faith for the Climate' network. The opening statements read, ‘Covid-19 has unexpectedly taught us a great deal. Amidst the fear and the grief for loved ones lost, many of us have found consolation in the dramatic reduction of pollution and the restoration of nature. Renewed delight in and contact with the natural world has the capacity to reduce our mental stress and nourish us spiritually. We have rediscovered our sense of how interconnected the world is. The very health and future of humanity depends on our ability to act together, not only with respect to pandemics but also in protecting our global ecosystem.’

Published in British Isles