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Displaying items by tag: international cooperation

On 21 February, In a coordinated effort across four German states, with cooperation from France and Belgium, law enforcement agencies launched a targeted operation against a suspected human-smuggling gang at dawn. This response to illegal trafficking reflects growing concerns over such activities in Europe. It aimed not just to make arrests but to dismantle the entire network. The raid sheds light on the human suffering behind smuggling, emphasising the need for international collaboration to address its root causes. It underscores the importance of comprehensive strategies prioritising human dignity and safety. While there are questions about its long-term impact, the move represents a pivotal moment in the struggle against trafficking. It serves as a beacon of hope for a future where exploitation does not thrive on the vulnerabilities of the desperate.

Published in Europe
Friday, 23 June 2017 11:11

Syria: US downs Syrian plane and drone

A US fighter jet has blown up a pro-Syrian regime drone, just two days after the US brought down its first Syrian air force warplane. No matter how much Mr Trump personally hankers after better relations with the Russians, the downing of the Russian-made SU-22 on Sunday night has effectively killed any prospect of Washington and Moscow enjoying a new era of detente. The Russian response has been to threaten any coalition aircraft which enters airspace where its forces operate. Meanwhile, an armed Russian warplane flew within five feet of a US reconnaissance aircraft over the Baltic Sea in what US officials said was a ‘provocative and unsafe’ way. Tensions between the two powers were already running high after a bipartisan group of US Senators last week voted overwhelmingly to pass a bill that expands financial sanctions in retaliation for Russia’s interference in last year’s presidential contest, as well as Moscow’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014.

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