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Displaying items by tag: home abortion

Thursday, 30 April 2020 21:40

Home abortions risk coercion

Christian Concern write: ‘For years, the abortion lobby has wanted to make home abortions a reality. Now that the Government has introduced them due to the coronavirus lockdown, abortion rights activists will be determined to keep DIY abortions in place long-term. On the surface, the policy makes abortions as convenient as possible - a goal of the pro-abortion lobby. Dr Gregory Gardner, supporting our High Court legal challenge of the Government's decision, says that home abortions risk real physical and psychological harm to the mother and increase the possibility of coerced abortions. Ann Widdecombe added, “This change is contrary to promises made immediately before parliament went into recess - thereby undermining its proper constitutional functions.”’ 4 May marks 52 years of abortion culture in the UK.

Published in British Isles