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Displaying items by tag: false arrest

Thursday, 28 February 2019 22:14

Street preacher arrested

A Twitter video of a street preacher’s arrest in London has been viewed over 1.8 million times. It shows the man confronted by two police officers warning he would be arrested for a breach of the peace if he refuses to leave the area. One said, 'You're disturbing people, you're causing problems, and you're breaching their peace.' The man says, 'I need to tell people Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life’, to which the officer replies, 'I appreciate that, but nobody wants to hear that, they want you to go away’. When the man told his reasons for preaching, they handcuffed him and took his Bible. The preacher said, 'No, no, no, don't take my Bible away!’ It is unclear what he said that triggered the incident. An eyewitness said, ‘This man was preaching and did nothing wrong, he had a hostile person near him.’ He was later released.

Published in British Isles