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Displaying items by tag: dangerous gangs

Thursday, 30 March 2023 21:53

Haiti: a failed state?

Haiti has been an epicentre of suffering for many decades. Now the people are being suffocated by dangerous, powerful gangs as the downward spiral into a failed state intensifies. Haiti’s last ten elected senators stepped down in January, so there is no functioning government. There is anarchy as armed and violent gangs rule the streets. Deploying a special international force to Haiti could bring desperately needed respite, but analysts believe that without a long-term political solution any new stabilisation measures have little chance of putting a stop to the carnage. Nearly 25% of the total population of the neighbouring Dominican Republic is made up of Haitian; over two million of them are there illegally. The UN recently called for military intervention in Haiti. Missionary Doug Burbella says there's only one way things will improve. ‘Apart from military intervention from another country, I would say a good, old-fashioned revival would be the only thing that could turn this country around.’

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