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Displaying items by tag: benevolence funds

Friday, 23 June 2023 10:34

Churches urged to start benevolence funds

A Christian economist has urged churches to consider setting up benevolence funds to help members struggling with the cost of living as inflation proves more persistent than expected. Former IMF economist and government debt manager Dr Paul Mills said the step was needed for those on fixed incomes or losing their jobs. He was speaking after an economic advisor to the Chancellor said the Bank of England may need to spark a recession to finally get rising prices under control. The bank's target from the Government is to get inflation down to 2%, but the public has yet to see the pain that is coming through the economy from interest rate rises. On 22 June the base rate increased to 5%, a bigger increase than expected. Dr Mills said it would help to pray for the nation, and for medium- to long-term steps to turn things around.

Published in British Isles