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Displaying items by tag: Yulia Navalnaya

Thursday, 22 February 2024 21:11

Russia: Navalny’s widow steps into the spotlight

There has been a chorus of international condemnation after the Russian authorities announced the death of Alexei Navalny in an Arctic prison on 16 February. His widow Yuli Navalnaya has deliberately stepped into the spotlight by declaring her commitment to continue his fight for a better Russia. Blaming Vladimir Putin, she has called on fellow Russians to join her in opposing him. Her message resonates with those opposed to Putin's regime, offering hope and inspiration. Previously reserved, Yulia has emerged as a woman of resilience and moral authority, compelling in her grief and love for her husband's cause. Meanwhile, a court in the far north will hear a case brought by Navalny’s mother, who at time of writing still had not been allowed to see her son’s body: see

Published in Europe