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Displaying items by tag: Year of the Frontier

YEAR OF THE FRONTIER May 2019 through May 2020 is a previously unprecedented time of united, informed prayer for the largest gaps in work among the unreached around the world! For thirteen months starting May 2019, join prayer networks around the world coordinating with:

as well as many others to pray for every one of the 400 Frontier People Groups (FPGs) with an in-country population over 500,000 as field efforts collaborate to see movements to Christ in every people and place.

What are Frontier People Groups? These FPGs contain nearly all of the one-quarter of all humanity currently the most isolated from the good news that Jesus came for all peoples. Less than 1 in 1,000 are followers of Jesus in these groups. Only 1 out of every 100 cross-cultural laborers work among these groups! Until Jesus followers unite in obeying His commission, these masses have no hope of hearing about and being introduced to Jesus before they die! This unprecedented collaboration will focus on the fulfilment of God's promise to bless all peoples through Jesus movements healing and restoring broken families and communities.

 Why is prayer important? Extraordinary prayer is foundational to every movement to Christ. Prayer is the first domino to fall leading to change in spiritual receptivity to the gospel and fruitfulness. Leviticus 26:8 “Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand…”—there is multiplied power in agreement. As intercessors faithfully lift up these specific people groups and believers reach out, God does what only God can do to release harvest.

Learn more about the "Year of the Frontier" at: http://Go31.org/yof

Joshua Project https://joshuaproject.net/frontier

“Reaching the Unreached” video https://vimeo.com/244739881 and

“The State of the World”video https://globalprn.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b371ecb81ea5dd83cb1ed45cd&id=b68ef93f6a&e=3ba0399bc5

Your prayers are vital to extending God's blessing in Jesus to all the remaining Frontier People Groups.

Draw close to God by embracing His passion to bless these Frontier People Groups. Invite others to join you in:

* Praying daily for every one of these 400 Frontier People Groups over this year:

To get daily prayer materials via email: https://joshuaproject.net/pray/unreachedoftheday/email or
http://www.globalprayerdigest.org Then submit your email in the top right box.

Apps to help you are available for Android:


or iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/global-prayer-digest/id1181417800?l=es&mt=8

* UPG of the Day Widget to customize for your website: https://joshuaproject.net/pray/unreachedoftheday/widget

* On social media, use these hashtags to raise awareness: #YearOfTheFrontier, #FrontierPeopleGroups, #UnreachedPeopleGroups, or #RememberTheUnreached.

* Promoting the international Day of Prayer for the Unreached (http://AllianceForTheUnreached.org)

* Partner to focus on a specific people group through www.InherittheNations.net

* Preparing for the Global Outreach Day 2020 (http://globaloutreachday.com/2020), which will coincide with the culmination of the Year of the Frontier. During the entire month of May 2020, our goal is to mobilize 100 million Christians to pray for their neighbors and nations as well as to share the Gospel with them.

We believe that together with many denominations and ministries it will be possible to reach 1 BILLION people with the Gospel and for prayer-care-share to become an ongoing lifestyle for every follower of Christ.

More at http://go31.org/yof/

Friday, 31 May 2019 12:42

IPC Calendar

30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World - 6 May - 4 June 2019


Year of the Frontier – May 2019 to May 2020

Pray for Zero – 9 June 2019

School of Prayer for the Nations - 9 Jun - 6 July 2019


United Prayer Rising Europe – 8-11 July 2019


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


South East Asia Prayer Council Conference – 8-11 October 2019


Go 2020 May 2020


Wednesday, 01 May 2019 04:16

3 Major Prayer Initiatives for the Unreached

God is moving the Body of Christ to prayer. The prayer and mission movements are connecting as we see in May 2019 three major prayer thrusts aimed at the unreached.

“Year of the Frontier” May 2019 through June 2020 focuses prayer on the largest people groups with the least access to the gospel—May 2019 highlights the largest 31 groups, all over 1 million population. Joshua Project, Global Prayer Digest, the Ethné Movement, the 24:14 Coalition and many others offer a myriad of resources to facilitate effective, fervent, specific prayer.

More on this year-long effort next month, but check out the Nov/Dec 2018 issue of Mission Frontiers Magazine to read more and connect with resources:

http://www.missionfrontiers.org/pdfs/MF40-6_Nov-Dec_eBook.pdf . Also, don’t miss the new podcast by Alliance for the Unreached: https://alliancefortheunreached.org/podcast/

For more than twenty-five years now, the annual 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World calls the church to make a deliberate but respectful effort to learn about, pray for and reach out to our world’s Muslim neighbors.This international movement began in 1993 and coincides annually with the important Islamic month of religious observation — Ramadan, a time of the year when Muslims are much more deeply aware of spiritual matters. This year we pray May 6 to June 4.

It was launched by a group of Christians who felt inspired to challenge the way they understood Muslim people. What if they saw Muslims in the same way God does? While media sound bites about Islamic extremism can too easily incite anger, fear and even hatred towards Muslims, these believers seek to resist this temptation to generalize, and instead, resolve to respond and pray with the mind and heart of Christ. The editorial work for this prayer movement was initially coordinated in Australia, then in France, then in Germany and then in the UK. The North American edition has been published continuously since 1993 by WorldChristian.com.

“It is not our intention with this prayer focus during Ramadan to disparage Islam or Muslim sentiments in any way. We recognize that humans and the Muslim world are far too complex to simply condense or explain with a mere booklet. However, at the same time, it is our sincere desire that Muslims the world over would have the opportunity to freely understand and consider the Good News — Jesus Christ.”

Thousands of ministries and churches from many denominations participate regularly. Many participants have commented on how much they have learned about Islam, and how their negative attitudes about Muslims have been changed as they read about, prayed for and even reached out to Muslims. Here are suggestions to consider:

Furthermore, Love Muslims is launching! Chris Ruge is ecstatic to share that Prayercast is launching Love Muslims – the most comprehensive and compelling Muslim-focused prayer resource the world has ever seen!

Over 130 new 4-5 minute videos will lead the Body of Christ in focused, strategic, passionate prayer for the Muslim world. Each video is led by a former Muslim who now follows Jesus!

“We’re rallying the Church around the world to join us in prayer each day during Ramadan, and we’ll be releasing a brand new video each day. Would you prayerfully consider SHARING this and INVITING your network to join in prayer through Ramadan.”

 Specifically, would you do the following?

  • INVITE your mailing list, networks, and partners to join in prayer - including all the MENA prayer groups!
  • SHARE about the movement through your social media and other communication channels.
  • SIGN UP yourself and pray with us!

We want to make this as easy for you as possible. We have a series of media tools to make sharing Love Muslims easy and clear for both you and your community. Click to see a special preview of one of the videos: https://vimeo.com/291193744/3f1af42f77  Our heart cry is to gather as many people to pray with Love Muslims as we can leading up to Ramadan. Would you help spread the word? Forward this to everyone you know who should be joining in prayer. Share about the movement on social media using #LoveMuslims and directing your friends and followers to www.LoveMuslims.org

Whichever tools you use, join the millions of Christians around the world, and churches and ministries from many denominationsbeginning May 2019, including from May 6 to June 4, 2019 during the season of Ramadan, to understand and to persistently pray for our unreached neighbors and nations.

Liz Adleta

Global Prayer Strategist serving
Fellowship of Prayer Strategists, the Ethne Movement, & the 24:14 Coalition