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Displaying items by tag: US aid

Thursday, 02 November 2023 21:54

Ukraine war: Russia hits most settlements in one day

On 1 November, Russia unleashed a barrage on 118 Ukrainian towns and villages within 24 hours, marking the highest number of settlements hit in a single day this year, according to Ukrainian interior minister Ihor Klymenko. The attacks, targeting ten of Ukraine's 27 regions, resulted in casualties and fatalities. Many of the affected areas were near the front lines in eastern and southern Ukraine. Russia has been concentrating its military efforts on Avdiivka, a strategically vital town in the Donetsk region, causing significant damage. Ukraine has repelled multiple attacks in the area, and Russia has increased attacks on other towns and areas away from the front lines. Amid concerns about Western fatigue with the war, Volodymyr Zelensky has emphasised the need for advanced weaponry and unity among allies. Ukraine's chief military commander warned that the war is entering a positional stage, favouring Moscow's ability to rebuild its military power. Russia continues to have superior weaponry and ammunition. The situation has prompted the USA to seek approval for a $106 billion package to support Ukraine and Israel.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 26 March 2020 23:20

Afghanistan: US fails to end stalemate

US secretary of state Mike Pompeo announced a $1bn cut in American aid to Afghanistan after he failed to convince President Ghani and his political foe, Abdullah, to end a feud that has jeopardised a US-led peace effort. He said that the US is also prepared to cut another $1bn worth of assistance in 2021, and is conducting ‘a review of all of our programmes and projects to identify additional reductions and reconsider our pledges to future donor conferences for Afghanistan’. The harshly-worded announcement underscored how badly the US-led effort to end decades of strife in Afghanistan has stalled. En route back to Washington, Pompeo stopped at Qatar to meet Taliban officials, including their top negotiator. Pompeo indicated that the aid cut could be cancelled if everyone came to an agreement.

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