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Friday, 31 January 2020 10:20

The Prayer Covenant for Children

Luke 11 opens with the disciples’ simple request, Lord teach us to pray. Since its first publication in 2014, when Tom Victor invited us to launch this book at the 4/14 Best Practices Conference in NYC, God has used The Prayer Covenant for Children to share the gospel message and disciple the hearts of children while teaching them to pray. As children experience the power of answered prayer, they are excited, their faith is strengthened, and they want to pray more.

Prayer is one of the most important spiritual disciplines we can teach our children because prayer nurtures their relationship with Jesus and produces faith that will last a lifetime. The more time they spend with Jesus, the more they become like Jesus—full of his grace, love, compassion and forgiveness. In becoming more like Jesus, they begin to see the world through his eyes and are burdened for those around them. Daily they are praying, “Use me for your glory and to invite others to follow you.” And Jesus is answering their prayers. It is why we have partnered with Go2020 and are excited to see this untapped harvest force being used by God to reach the world for Christ.

God is using The Prayer Covenant to facilitate a movement of prayer and evangelism among children and youth worldwide.  As children embark on this prayer journey, they are experiencing God in powerful ways. They are learning how to obey him and respond to the promptings of his Holy Spirit.

Learning to listen is something children are discovering as they grow in a lifestyle of prayer. Our listening to God is as important as our prayers. He speaks through his Word, and often through the gentle promptings of his Holy Spirit. Young Samuel in the Bible learned to discern his voice and God was able to use him to lead a nation.

The mission of The Prayer Covenant is our passion: leading children and adults to follow Jesus through the power of the Prayer Covenant. As we are equipping children with this tool, God is miraculously working in and through them in powerful ways. We have reached over 4 million children in 53 countries worldwide— 4 million children following Jesus together! 4 million children learning to hear and obey his voice!

The Prayer Covenant is not just about establishing a lifestyle of prayer, but about raising life-long disciples of Jesus Christ. It is not just a prayer to pray for the sake of praying, it is an active prayer, seeking results in our lives. 

Dear heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving me and making me one of your children.
Help me love and obey you.
Help me love others the way you love me.
I am sorry for my sins. Wash me clean.
I will praise you with my whole heart!
Jesus, I want to follow you as my Lord. Change me any way you want.
Fill me with your Holy Spirit. I want to know your plans for me.
Make me a messenger of your grace, truth and justice.
Use me for your glory and to invite others to follow you.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Manjeet Kaur, from North India, is fruit of the Sunday school where she learned about Jesus Christ through The Power of the Prayer Covenant for Children.  Our leader there shared:

“Manjeet was born and brought up in a Hindu family. Being Hindu they used to worship idols and believing all rituals. Her father used to drink and always fought with her mother and beat her. Once our coach visited her house and invited her to Sunday school. For one year Manjeet attended regularly and learned about Jesus and received him into her life. She invited her teacher to come to her house and talk with her father. He prayed for her father and said, ‘Jesus will give you living water if you will believe in Him.’ After listening, her Father responded positively and showed interest to know more about Jesus. A few days later her father left his drinking habit and believed in Jesus Christ. His life has changed and is experiencing the true peace only Jesus can give. Their entire family has become Christ followers.”

One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty…. Psalm 145:4,5

Together let us seize the eternally purposed opportunity to lead our hearts and the hearts of our children directly to all that is true and good: to Christ Himself. 

Candy Marballi – IPC Leadership Team

Published in Prayer Guides