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Displaying items by tag: Tate and Lyle

Thursday, 22 February 2024 21:25

Tate and Lyle faces criticism for rebranding

Lyle's Golden Syrup has faced criticism from some people for its rebranding, which has removed a Biblical image. The iconic picture of a lion and bees, referencing the biblical story of Samson, has been replaced with a more modern version. Some argue that the move disregards the brand's heritage, and ask if there is still a place for Christians in the UK. Tate and Lyle apologised for any upset caused but emphasised that religion played no role in the decision. Despite the redesign, the original image (the oldest continuous one in the world) will remain on the classic tin. The update has been defended as a necessary step to appeal to a modern audience while retaining nostalgia. The company has given assurances that the story of Samson and the tin's heritage will endure.

Published in British Isles