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Displaying items by tag: Praying as Unrest Continues

Malawi has been in a week of repentance and prayer for peace ( 5 – 11 August) in response to ongoing post-election unrest and riots over allegedly rigged presidential elections. As intercessors pray for their country, peaceful protesters took to the streets of the nation’s four main cities in a call for the resignation of the embattled electoral commission chairperson. However commentators are calling for deep soul-searching to bring back sanity in the streets as criminal elements are taking advantage of the demonstrations to burn tyres, clash with police, loot shops, and torch government premises and property. They blame Pastor Dr Jane Ansah for alleged election fraud involving doctoring election papers with Tippex. Ansah maintains her innocence and says she will not bow to ‘mob justice’. The Constitutional Court in Lilongwe started a case on 8 August in which opposition parties have applied for the nullification of the election results and a rerun of the elections. The hearing is expected to last for 24 days. See 

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