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Displaying items by tag: Penny Mordaunt

Penny Mordaunt, a UK cabinet minister, has revealed that her WhatsApp conversations with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, relating to Covid, were mysteriously deleted from her phone. She provided this information in her evidence to the Covid inquiry, and mentioned that the former chief of staff at No 10, Dan Rosenfield, did not respond to 14 requests for a meeting to discuss the missing communications. This adds pressure on Johnson, who previously informed the inquiry that around 5,000 messages from his old phone, covering January to June 2020, could not be accessed. His lawyers suggested an automatic factory reset of the phone might be the cause. Mordaunt expressed willingness to have her phone examined by the inquiry if it would help. Johnson himself speculated at the inquiry that the disappearance might be due to the WhatsApp app malfunctioning and automatically erasing messages. He claimed that he had not removed any messages and had provided all relevant information to the inquiry.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 October 2022 11:24

A torrid week in politics

The day after the Prime Minister said she was committed to the 45p income tax cut which Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng had announced ten days earlier, he reversed the decision, saying the plans had become a ‘distraction from our overriding mission to tackle the challenges facing the country’. A few hours later former culture secretary Nadine Dorries accused the Prime Minister of ‘throwing her Chancellor under a bus’, and called for a general election. Having backed Liz Truss for Tory leadership, she now said the PM ‘must take to the country’ if she wants a new mandate, adding that there was ‘widespread dismay’ that much of the work she had done while in office was now on hold. Meanwhile, Cabinet minister Penny Mordaunt called for benefits to be increased in line with inflation - a move promised under Boris Johnson's government. Liz Truss has said her priority is ‘growth, growth, growth’ and she will challenge anyone trying to stop it.

Published in British Isles