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Displaying items by tag: Orphans Promise

Friday, 05 August 2022 10:08

Ukraine: American aid workers abducted

Ten people in Berdyansk, Ukraine, have been taken captive by Russian militia groups. They were kidnapped while helping evacuate residents from the southern port city, which Russia occupies. The captives include several Orphan's Promise (OP) volunteers, a driver, and an elderly couple who are the parents of a pastor who works with OP. Their whereabouts are unknown. These militia groups are known for their cruelty, especially to volunteers helping Ukrainians. Terry Meeuwsen, the founder of OP said, ‘We have no idea where this team is. We don't know if they're alive. We don't know if they're being cared for. We just have no idea. Being treated well has not been the traditional response by the Russians.’

Published in Europe
Thursday, 24 March 2022 20:51

Russians in Ukraine kidnap missionary

Orphan's Promise has ministered to the needs of tens of thousands of people across Ukraine for many years. Valentina is an Orphan's Promise aid worker; when Russian troops arrived and learned that she was helping the Ukrainians they kidnapped her. Orphan's Promise provides food and shelter to desperate Ukrainians and shares Jesus with them. Valentina’s team evacuates women, children, the sick and elderly from hot spots. While under fire they drive to bakeries, also working under fire, and deliver bread to hungry people while also providing them with spiritual food. Valentina's friends and colleagues are very concerned for her safety, asking Christians to pray that she will not be tortured and will be released soon. Pray also for all those bringing urgent humanitarian aid to areas which have faced countless air strikes and are now occupied by Russian forces.

Published in Europe