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Displaying items by tag: Just Stop Oil

Two Just Stop Oil protesters were arrested after spraying orange paint on Stonehenge, just before the summer solstice celebrations. The incident was widely condemned by political leaders. Rishi Sunak, calling it a 'disgraceful act of vandalism', urged condemnation from anyone associated with the group. Sir Keir Starmer and Sir Ed Davey also criticised the act, calling for strict legal action. Despite the vandalism, the site remains open to the public. Just Stop Oil, which has been demanding a treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030, defended the protest as a call to action against the ecological crisis. In another incident, two more protesters were arrested after spraying several planes orange at a private airport: see

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 10 November 2022 22:01

Just Stop Oil - serious protests

Just Stop Oil protesters demand climate change action. Their protests cover fossil fuels, renewable energy investment, and better building insulation to avoid energy waste. To make their point, they have thrown soup at National Gallery paintings, tried to disrupt Britain’s Formula 1 Grand Prix, and closed the M25 using ‘nonviolent civil resistance’. Dealing with these protests is extremely difficult for the authorities, despite arrests and court action. Just Stop Oil said it will demonstrate every day until their demand for no new oil or gas in the UK is met. A bill is currently going through Parliament to grant powers to prosecute someone interfering with the operation or use of key national public services on roads, railways, or air transport infrastructures. Since October the police have dedicated 10,000 officers to policing them, officers who would otherwise be dealing with local offences such as knife crime, safeguarding, or burglaries.

Published in British Isles