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Displaying items by tag: Fire fall on Taiwan

Friday, 27 April 2018 00:29

Taiwan: praying for fire to fall

At 9am on the fourth day of the ‘Hot Fire Special’, a long queue outside a basketball stadium in Taipei waited to enter and fill over 6,000 seats. Christians from home and abroad were praying in unison in a four-day call, ‘Lord, send fire’. In the front row, on the field, in the back row, hands raised high, hands low, standing, sitting, crouching, with loud shouts or struggling to cry - ‘Lord! Come to us! Come and fill us!’ They shouted, ‘We will give God a space to intervene in our hopeless life’, and ‘There must be a space reserved for God to work in our hearts.’ Pastor Zhang Zhenhua said, ‘When God has a great plan, He will not give you strategy in advance, He gives you a vision. God uses visions to motivate dead faith.’ Thousands in the stadium had a vision for God’s fire to fall on their nation, for the resurrection work of the Holy Spirit.

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