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Displaying items by tag: Female Soldiers

Friday, 04 August 2023 05:45

Ukraine: Female front line fighters

Ukrainian women are signing up in growing numbers to defend their country. There are 60,000 females fighting Russia - amidst strong Ukrainian sexist attitudes. 42,000+ have military positions with 5,000 on the front line. Andriana is a Ukrainian special unit sergeant preparing to return to the front line. Many Russian texts and videos report Andriana’s ‘death’ in graphic detail. ‘They published that I died with no legs or hands.’ says Andriana. ‘They are propaganda professionals.’ Female troops also face battles of sexist attitudes within their own ranks. Ukrainian society has a strong opinion that girls join the army to find a husband. Andriana says women have also told her about cases of physical abuse. We can't imagine the scale as few female soldiers will discuss this, so Andriana co-founded Ukrainian Women Veterans Movement, which campaigns for equal rights for female military personnel, and for reforming Ukrainian army legislation to bring it in line with NATO's.

Published in Europe