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Displaying items by tag: Dogon hunters

Thursday, 11 April 2019 22:03

Mali: 130 villagers murdered

Dogon gunmen recently surrounded a community of Fulani herders in Mali and murdered over 130 men, women, and children with guns and machetes. The village was left in smouldering ruins. Ethnic and jihadist violence has spun out of control. In fact, UN ambassadors were in Mali to discuss the crisis when the massacre took place. Since a 2015 peace agreement, ethnic groups have continued to resort to violence to settle their differences. Islamic militants take advantage of the chaos, securing safe havens and new recruits. Hundreds of lives have been lost as the violence has escalated. Dogon hunters and semi-nomadic Fulani herders fight over access to land and water. The Dogon also accuse Fulanis of ties to jihadist groups. The Fulanis say Mali's military arms the hunters to attack them. Less than 10% of citizens have heard of Jesus. However no nation is a lost cause. See

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