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Displaying items by tag: Christian festivals

Thursday, 06 January 2022 21:19

2022 events

The postponed Lambeth Conference should take place this summer, with Anglican bishops and archbishops coming to Canterbury for a once-in-a-decade event. Divides over sexuality indicate that some African bishops will boycott it. Same-sex partners of gay bishops are asked not to attend. Pray for Justin Welby to use Lambeth to foster greater unity. After two years of cancellations, Spring Harvest, New Wine and other Christian festivals plan to go ahead, after suffering huge financial losses. Persecution of religious minorities will be addressed as the UK hosts a global gathering of ambassadors for religious freedom. Pray for good to come from it. Evangelist Franklin Graham’s 2021 UK tour had to be cancelled following complaints that he spoke negatively about homosexuality and Islam. The tour is back on. More protests are to be expected, but Graham promises to speak of God’s love and nothing else.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 April 2021 21:18

Pakistan: preparing for possible Easter attacks

Christian volunteer security guards are preparing to defend their churches in the run-up to Easter. With world-wide concern peaking after Palm Sunday’s suicide bomb in Indonesia, William Arif Khan and his team of fifteen security volunteers at Lahore’s Sacred Heart Cathedral stressed the need for extra vigilance. ‘For the past twelve years, I have been leading young men dedicated to support the police’s security guards stationed at the cathedral. We don't expect any rewards. All of them have dedicated their holiday to the Church. They have metal detectors. The police have allowed us to keep some licensed weapons on church premises; but only my deputy and I are armed with a pistol. Everybody is afraid of the terrorists. But we stand for the One who protects us all. Our faith tells us that God won't let us down. We perform our duties with complete passion and avoid negative thinking.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 March 2021 20:54

Support Christian festivals

The leaders of seven well-known Christian festivals and events are encouraging people to support them this year. They say, ‘We are asking for you to stand with us; we need your help more than ever. Some of us have postponed events, some have moved to free digital alternatives, or chargeable digital and hybrid events. We have all had to decide what is best for us in our unique situation now; we all need the wisdom of the Lord. Please pray regularly for us as we lead our organisations, listen to His leading, and do all we can to serve Him and you. Please join 2021 events and buy tickets. If you wait until 2022, your preferred event may not have the finances to be there.’

Published in British Isles