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Displaying items by tag: CHAIN report

Thursday, 03 February 2022 20:57

Homelessness on the increase

New quarterly London figures reveal that one in three rough sleepers are under 35. The Salvation Army warns that many young people are on the edge of homelessness. The Combined Homelessness and Information Network (CHAIN) quarterly report released on 1 February showed 2,949 people slept rough in London between October and December 2021, a 1% rise on the previous quarter. 45% of them were sleeping rough for the first time. The Salvation Army said, ‘When tackling homelessness, prevention is better than a cure. By the time you have no choice but to sleep on the streets, the road back to health, housing and happiness can be a very long one. While the CHAIN figures give a snapshot of rough sleeping, our research shows how close so many young people are to the threat of homelessness. There is no easy solution and many will need ongoing support to help break the rough sleeping cycle.’

Published in British Isles