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Displaying items by tag: British values

Friday, 30 June 2017 15:03

Ofsted chief and ‘British values’

Amanda Spielman, who in January became head of schools’ regulator Ofsted, has vowed to continue promoting ‘British values’. Citing the recent terror attacks as evidence that a greater crackdown on different forms of extremism is needed, she said that the promotion of British values will be determined by individual inspectors, adding, ‘There isn’t a prescribed translation of it, so schools will have to work it out’. John Denning of the Christian Institute, which has consistently questioned the vague and subjective nature of ‘British values’, said Spielman’s assertions would be particularly concerning for head teachers of faith schools. He said: ‘This might encourage Ofsted inspectors to pressurise or even fail schools, based on their own subjective opinions of what British values are. Schools will remain vulnerable to inspectors’ personal biases.’ Since the Government introduced the requirement to ‘actively promote’ British values in schools in 2014, Ofsted inspectors have caused widespread problems for religious liberty in England, with aggressive questioning of teachers and pupils over their beliefs on same-sex marriage and transsexualism.

Published in British Isles