The Time to turn booklet has three key elements
- The cover some of theological background to turning and why now is a Kairos moment
- To stimulate prayer for turning – in us as individuals, in the church and in our communities
- To look at some of the great blessings that are poured as we turn, as God heals our land, as we see His kingdom come.

“When we turn we please our heavenly father” Ian Cole The aim of the book is to prepare our hearts and prayers for an unprecedented move of God. We pray it will stir many to action.

Price: £2.00 (1-9), £1.50 (10+)

Price: £2.00 (1-9), £1.80 (10+)

Blessing, praise, thanks, and encouragement are all things that we can give and receive that help us through our dayto day lives and what is so brilliant, it does not cost us a thing to give or recieve it.  This guide is to encourage us all to speak well of each other, to encourage each other on in good times and the difficult times, and to develop a culture of blessing.

Price: £2.00 (1-9), £1.80 (10+)